Ch64: CRAZY!!

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Rosalyn landed on a soft cushion and next to him was John, she looked around confused "John! What is going on!!" She questioned, John, remained quiet and began to put on the armor, and left her is ide the room Rosalyn watched as her young brother left the room she stood up and followed behind the place they were in was unknown to her but there were dozens of soldiers prepared for war "John!"Rosalyn called out to her brother as she was getting more anxious about whatever was happening was serious "John!" She again called out fastening her pace and taking off her heels for her to be able to catch up to her brother who seem to be in a panic she was impatient for an answer and therefore was angry unable to control her anger she finally catches up to her brother and smacked him from the back of his head "Tell me what's going on!" She demanded, John groaned and held the back of his head "Why are you mad? I just saved you!" John whined "Save me from who?" with her arms crossed, John looked around the place and dragged her sister to an empty room "From Cale"

Cale barged into the room he did not share anyone a glance and simply commanded them "The Breck Kingdom's king stole Rosalyn" He said, the children flinched at that new "What?"
"Do you mean mom went back to the Breck Kingdom?" Ohn asked trying to make things clear "No, John suddenly took her away but before that he demanded I released Rosalyn" He explained as he sat on the couch to keep his calm and at least make things clear "What! What does smart mom's brother mean by that?!" Raon asked even tthough he was confused, Cale remained quiet and tried to keep himself sane and think it through there might be a misunderstanding and Rosalyn knows how to handle herself she was not in certain danger the one who took her was a member of her family but Cale could not keep calm he felt threatened, he felt that if he won't move right now Rosalyn would be taken away Cale tapped the couch's armrest each tap was heavy, Eruhaben stared at Cale 'He's angry' Angry and wary was painted all over Cale's face, Cale was like an animal angered that his territory was being taken away from him he was like an animal waiting to attack, Ron's eyes traveled from Cale to the young children there was worry in Ohn's face, anger and worry in Raon and Hong was just angry a smile crept onto the young boy's face as if he had come up with a plan "should we contact the emeritus of the Breck Kingdom?" asked Ron, Cale nodded with his eyes glued on the floor while playing with the silver necklace around his neck.

[Hello, Deary what do I_]
"I wish to speak to my fiancee" Cale cut the emeritus queen's words [Oh, I see then I'll wait] The emeritus queen behaved as usual [will Rosa be taking long?] She asked, Cale, blinked a few times "Wha?... Is Rosalyn not in there?" He questioned [No?...was she supposed to?] The emeritus queen asked slightly confused by the horrid face of Cale as he realized that something was deeply wrong [Young master my daughter alright? Is she not in there?] The emeritus queen, Carmine Breck asked her voice calm but it shows worry all over her face, Cale realized if Rosalyn is not in the Breck Kingdom then could it be the bastard who took her was not John? 

"John..."Rosalyn's voice became cold how could it not? "You made such audacious accusations based on my expression..are you crazy?!!" Rosalyn stomp her foot on the ground causing it to light shake from the sudden outburst of mana "H_hey careful you'll have a nosebleed..."
"Don't change the subject!" Rosalyn yelled at her brother who lowered his head in embarrassment "John, I'am a pregnant woman! If I'm angry then I'm angry if I'm tired then I'm tired all things I felt will be displayed in my face I won't be able to control my own emotion not that I'am in this state!" Rosalyn tried to maintain a calm figure and lower her tone but with her brother's wild thoughts and her uncontrollable twist of emotions she could not keep it calm "Pen said you were forced so I thought my theory was right..." John looked away as he muttered those words which just made Rosalyn even angrier "Pen did?..." She asked slightly tilting her head to the side "John, enough with this nonsense and send me back I can fix this__!?" Rosalyn flinched it wasn't just her everyone did a sudden pressure befall their hidden place 'Eruhaben?!' Rosalyn looked thought but there was something else mixed along the aura 'Cale?!, are they Crazy?!' Rosalyn's thoughts were cut off "Don?" Rosalyn looked at the terrified Don's face "We have to go!" he said making Rosalyn again confused "We have to get his place is not safe!" he shouted and took Rosalyn by her hand "What do you mean?! At least tell me that!" she shouted as they ran through the hallway with John following behind them, ignoring the gases of the confused knights "He crazy! He plans to blow the entire thing into pieces!!" shouted Don "Who?!" "Cale!".
Rosalyn widen her eyes at the mention of Cale 'He wouldn't...' she told herself but then again it was Cale they were talking about 'He'll do it...' Rosalyn thought she then noticed the smoke raising from the ground 'Ohn?!' a shade of green was beginning to mix itself within the smoke 'their all crazy!' Rosalyn fasten her pace as she realized what they plan on doing, John and Don did not and neither are the innocent knights who were tricked by John As they got out of the underground tunnel Rosalyn noticed the guards guarding the tunnel entrance were all down, and there he was standing with a water spare on his hand and wind whirling around his foot.

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