Ch22: GOLD(2)

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Cale arrived at the west house where they had already begun retrieving the items and artifacts used for the experiments.

Most of the dark elves were confused and concerned for their squad leader's condition.


Cale bends his knee and drew closer to Rosalyn who was sitting on the ground while clutching her stomach.


Rosalyn curved into a tuck sitting hiding her face whatever is happening to her it was very painful.

Cale reach his hand and touched Rosalyn's forehead, her face was burning red as if she had a high fever.

Her nosebleed had stopped.

Cale then turned his head to both Jack and Cage who arrived after him with a cold gaze.

"Make sure to curse at that God of yours...."

He was mostly talking to Cage as he was sure Jack could not curse at the sun, god.

Cage nodded her head before her eyes landed on Rosalyn with concern.

"Move her to a tent"

Eruhaben said Xon and Don had gone to get the apple that can lessen any pain Rosalyn is feeling.

While Cale and the others discussed the distribution of the wealth they have obtained.

Inside another tent not far from the one Cale is in is Rosalyn.


"Are you feeling better?"

Asked Sen he was curious about how effective the apple's ability is.

"Huuu.I'm feeling a lot better"

Rosalyn responded the pain in her stomach doesn't hurt as much as before and her headache is completely gone not to mention her body temperature is slowly coming back to its normal temperature.

"Awee! Our goddess is such a caring god"

Don said while clapping his hands together proud of serving the goddess of life.


Sen, Don, and Xon shut's up after Rosalyn let out a confused sound.

"Is there something wrong?"

Asked Sen but Rosalyn couldn't hear him she right now was hearing coins jingles loudly.

"Snif, sniff"

"Oi are you alright?"

Don began to worry as Rosalyn is now sniffing the air rather than worry he was confused about what is Rosalyn doing.

Sen too is Confused.

"Do you smell that?"

"Don, did you fart?"

Asked Sen to the identical twin of Xon

"No, I didn't!"

Rosalyn got out of the tent and began following the scent with Sen, Don, and Xon following behind her not making a sound as she was very serious.

Raon who's inside the tent with Cale went outside after feeling Rosalyn's mana being activated, once he got out he saw Rosalyn flying towards the forest.

Raon wanted to follow her but he can't be separated from his human instead he let his mana follow Rosalyn.

and went back inside the tent to inform the others.

Rosalyn and her group were now very far from the base.

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