Chapter 7: Killian?

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Ouch, my head.
I awake as I'm tossed roughly into a cave looking pit of sorts. "Ow. Where are we?"
I say groggily.
"Our world. We're back in the enchanted forest." Mary Margaret says.
"When we woke up they had you tied to the back of horse because you where still unconscious" Emma states.
"Who? Who took us here?" I ask.

"Those foul women who claim they're the good guys."
An unknown voice echoes from the darkness.
Slowly a regal looking woman emerges revealing a regal slightly wrinkled woman.
"Hello Snow! Did you miss me?"
The lady speaks with such fraud in her voice, almost as fake as her smile.

"Cora..." Mary Margaret says.
"Emma, Y/n get back, you don't want to mess with this woman"
Mary Margaret pushes us behind her, myself stumbling as the blow to my head was still making me dizzy.

" oh at ease Snow, I'm no danger to you! Tell me, how is Regina. How is my daughter?"
Cora remarks.

"Your daughter? You're Regina's mother??" I yell.
"Ah, so you've been aquatinted. Is she well?" She purses her lips to form a sickening sweet smile.

Time skip to after finding Lancelot, then the Wardrobe and fighting Grammy Cora. ( sorry I'm lazy, plus it means Hook shows up sooner!)

Bloodshed. Bodies littered the grounds, the camp was ransacked and destroyed leaving no survivors.
"Cora..." Mary Margaret grumbled.
I tune out the conversation between the others as I wander the ruins of the camp.
"Uh, guys?" I call.
"I think this guy is still alive"
I pull at the fallen planks and rubble as Emma rushes over to help me free the man.
As we pull the man from the wreck my entire body seems to freeze.

I know this man. It's fucking Captain Hook. It's Killian, my Killian. He's- he's alive, and right in front of me... and he's staring at Emma.

"Killian?" I say, barely above a whisper.
"How do you know my name?" He looked puzzled.
"Y/n do you know this man?" Mary Margaret asked.
I stay frozen as a statue, too scared to breathe, too scared to speak again.
"Uh, no sorry. I guess not. You look like a Killian I knew..." I solemnly say.
The man gives me a half hearted smile obviously a bit lost. "T's all right love, no harm done."

I don't understand, how can I remember him and yet he doesn't know me?
Maybe he just forgot about me. I mean the curse would have affected him to wouldn't it? Shouldn't his memory be back like everyone els-


The memory potion. Before I left I made him take a memory potion. Of course he doesn't remember me. It's not like the curse at all, to him I don't even exist.

"We have to keep moving" I say.
"Y/n, this poor man has been attacked! We have to let him rest!" Mary Margaret, tries to reason.
"He'll be fine... he's survived worse." I mumble the last part.
"What?" Emma asks.
"Nothing, forget it. Let's go" and with that I stalk off leaving the group silent and puzzled behind me.

Emma, with her super power on high alert immediately sensed that Killian was lying. After some persuading, and by persuading I mean tying him to a tree and threatening for the ogres to have him. He came clean about who he was and his plans with Cora.

I must admit I was hesitant when they threatened to feed him to those brutes, but I knew a side of Killian nobody else did, I knew he was weak just like we all are. He's just better at hiding it then some, but sure enough after making a comment on how mangled his gorgeous face would be after an ogre attack, (that is if he survived it)  he quickly gave in.

As hot as the man is he's not the most humble when it comes to his quote unquote 'ruggedly handsome appearance'.

As we trudge forward on our quest to find a way home and, after convincing Emma not to tie Killian to a tree and let the ogres have him; we make our way to the famous beanstalk.
"And how exactly are we supposed to scale that?" Mary Margaret asks with obvious skepticism in her voice.

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