Chapter 2. Shadows...

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One night when Rumple had sent me to bed early; after I had "left a nose mark" on one of his glass cabinets, I lay in bed staring out the window cursing the world for sticking me with this imp, why couldn't my family just love me!

Though I only thought it in a fit of anger, somebody heard my prayer.

The curtains bonded to my window sprung to life as if they where desperate to escape!
My window shot open with such force it cracked the frame.

That's when something entered.
It was hard to see in the dark but it appeared to be a black mass in the form of a... person?

It looked as if it where alive, with glowing eyes, it enchanted and enticed me.

It's hand reaching forwards as if offering to save me from my thoughts.

"I must be dreaming" I thought, so I did what any adventuress child would do.. I reached for its hand.
As if the winds where carrying me, the shadow and I flew through the night sky. It brought me to an island, ways away from any other land or realm.

The island showed no signs of life at first, though it had a friendly feeling to it.. something I'd never felt before.

That's the first time I met him. Peter Pan.
He was around my age and had a friendly smile, he welcomed me to stay and said I would make a great addition to his Lost boys.

'My lost Girl' that's what he called me.
( I know you're singing the lyrics rn )

I felt safe there, as if I belonged. I finally found my family, for many years I returned to the land Peter called Neverland. Each night when I felt unwanted the shadow would come to my window of the castle and take me to Neverland.

I still loved Rumple, as far as I was concerned he was my father.
But when I was in my late teens, maybe 17-18 Belle showed up...
Suddenly all of Rumple's attention went to her. As if he where in love with her or something.

I felt betrayed and lost all over again, another parent who no longer wanted me, so the next night when the shadow came, I left for good.

I never looked back, and from then on, Neverland was my home.

A few years later Neverland had new visitors, Pirates.

Filthy things they are, Neverland was a gold mine to them, I didn't care much for pirates, unlike the lost boys who took pleasure in messing with the drunken sailors when they stepped ashore.

Pan hated their captain most of all,
so that's where I came in. Pan trusted me so he sent me to sneak aboard their ship, steal anything of value or anything that felt it had magic properties.

"The pirates are near skull rock you have time to sneak aboard, find anything of value and come back" Pan had told me. I was hesitant at first but didn't want to disappoint so I did as I was told.

As I entered the captains quarters I was met with a rather unpleasant greeting, whacked over the head by a bottle of rum,
Damned pirates had no taste! Rum!! A foul drink if I do say so myself, I'm much more of a whiskey kind of girl.

When I awoke, there, standing above me, was a rugged looking pirate with dark hair, a smirk that could kill, and a... hook for a hand?

"That's one way of fishing.." I mumbled.

The pirate scoffed before addressing me
"you're an odd looking lost boy now aren't ya love?" Once again that smirk plastered on his face.
"Mm, great observations skills Guy Liner, maybe it's caus' I'm not a lost boy, I'm a lost girl. Thank ya very much" I retorted.

He rolled his eyes " care to explain what you're doing on my ship? "

"Ummm, no not really" I replied smugly.

"Listen Lass, either state your reasonings for trespassing or... face the consequences"

"ooooh the consequences" I said taunting him.
He was really pissed now, agro pirate mode activated!

"You're lucky I like you or I'd be knocking you out with the bottle again and tossing you overboard for the mermaids" he threatened.
"Ugh please do! But this time don't use such a disgusting liquor, I prefer whiskey" I smirked.

And that kids is how I met your fath-

Nope, sorry wrong story

And that's how I was kidnapped by Captain Hook and joined his merry old crew of drunken sailors!

Second chapter!! This one was longer so hopefully better! Let me know if it was okay or not!! 🤍

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