Chapter 1. Forgotten

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Forgotten. That's how I felt after my parents tossed me out like trash.

Before I was born my grandmother Ruth, was shot by a poison arrow.
With no other way to save her my parents Snow White and Prince Charming went to the enchanted Lake Nostos which held the power to cure the worst injuries. Ruth survived with the small amount of water left after the destruction of the lady of the lake.

But, little did anybody know that my mother hid a secret, she too needed the water to break her curse. She had been tricked by king George and could no longer carry a heir, she was devastated. With all water being drained from the lake she had no choice but to go to the darkest of all people for help, Rumplestiltskin.

Frankly I don't see why people hate him! Sure he's a bit prickly but he did a good job raising me! But we'll get to that in a bit.
Rumplestiltskin offered my mother a potion, a potion which possessed the power to revoke the affects of the previous curse therefore making my mother fertile once again. However, if you don't know this already... all magic comes with a price.

My mother was ready to pay but as she was so desperate to rid herself of the curse she drank it without asking the price.
"Your first born child" those words would haunt her. That's the price Rumplestiltskin required and my mother was left with no choice. Now if you ask me, STUPID DEAL! You want children, but you're agreeing to sign off your first one? How does that make sense!! Maybe I'm still just bitter...

That's what happened, when my mother gave birth to me he showed up within minutes ready to whisk me away, my father tried to fight him and failed.. resulting in the scar on his chin. They where devastated to lose me but Rumple didn't care, he needed me for his evil plan whatever that was, but he grew attached.

For the longest time he was the only father I knew, the only information I had about my real family was that they didn't want me, they just gave me up voluntarily to him.
That broke my heart, but I grew to resent them for it, but it all changed when one night, a shadow came to my window...

How did you enjoy chapter 1? I hope it wasn't too terrible 😂

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