Chapter 5. I'll Believe you When I Meet Tinkherbell

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I had finished up work for the day, no great finds for the day besides some dusty old book with a violet purple cover, the illustration on the front was a black heart surrounded in red flames. It was worn and beaten but something about it seemed magical to me.

(Does anybody know which book it is? 😏)

I was sitting at the island in Mary Margaret and I's apartment examining the contents of my empty mug. As I got up to make myself more tea, I glance towards the door where I had left Henry's story book.
Curious, I picked up the book and sat down flipping to a random page. It was a couple crying and pleading as some shiny skinned man had their baby in his arms. As I read the text it explained that the couple was Snow White and Prince Charming, the man. Was Rumplestiltskin.

As I read through the book I come to another chapter, the one Henry had shown me earlier, A young woman who looked to be in her early 20s standing on a ship besides the handsome looking Captain Hook.

"Are you drooling?" Mary Margaret asked as she walked in.
"What! No of course not" I stammer as I wipe away the.. 'water' on my chin.
"Yes you where!" She takes the book from me opening to the spot where I had left open. She just shrugged giving me a 'yeah, okay. I see what you mean look' before handing the book back to me.

"I wasn't drooling okay.. he's just kinda... handsome."
"Mhm" she didn't believe me.

*knock knock knock*
"Who's at the door at this time of night" I say, reaching for the door nob.

"Hi" Emma Swan stood at my door bags in hand.
"Is that room still available?"
Puzzled I turn to Mary Margaret who rushes forward grabbing Emma's bags.
"Yes! Please come in"
"What's going on..." I ask
"Emma is going to be staying a while so I offered her the loft!" "You mean MY loft???" I retorted
"There's two beds up there! And we can put a privacy screen!" I didn't argue, much... after all it was Mary Margaret's place.

The next morning Emma came downstairs sitting next to me at the island.
I turn raising an eyebrow to her.
"Uh, Henry told me you had a book to show me?"
"Begrudgingly I get up, grabbing the book from my bag and plopping it in front of her.
"Thanks..." she says.
"What are you two doing with Henry's story book?" Mary Margaret asked, readying herself for school.
"The kid gave me the book claiming I'm some fairytale pirate or something."
I say.
"You're in the book too!" Mary Margaret says. Trying to explain herself she goes on to say "it's silly really, I gave Henry the book because he was lonely. Next thing I know he's claiming I'm Snow White or something silly"
At this point we're all confused, pondering the fact that this poor boy thinks we're all fairy tale characters...

Time Skip.
( Emma is going along with Henry's whole conspiracy and the news of Mary Margaret and David Nolan having an affair has spread. )
*time skip caused by writers block*

Purple, that was the colour of Mary Margaret's eye when she got home.
"What happened!" I exclaimed
"Katherine happened. David told her, well, kind of. And he didn't even mention wanting to be with me"
"Im gonna fucking kill him" I said.

Before she could say anything else Henry and Emma barged in, "You have to marry David Nolan!" Henry says barging in
"Henry..." Mary Margaret sadly tries to reason.
"No, it's true! You're Snow White and he's Prince Charming!! The book doesn't lie! It's why my mom hates you, she's the Evil Queen and you're Snow White!"

This argument went on for a while until Henry ran out clearly upset.
The next day I went with Emma as backup to reason with Regina.
She was trying to cut off all contact between Emma and Henry. Even going as far as to make Doctor. Hopper sway Emma from not playing into Henry's 'delusions', as he had called it.

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