Chapter 6. Leaving

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I had gotten a text from Emma saying she was leaving Storybrooke.
She had talked with Regina and she no longer wanted to hurt Henry, yet she told me not to say anything to him.
She wanted to leave without Henry knowing, she thought it would hurt less if there was no teary goodbye.

I disagreed.

"Kid, grab your book, we're going to Mary Margaret's"
As Henry and I rush to find Emma before she can leave we burst through the front door to see her packing.
"Henry..." Emma says clearly sad she had to face him.
"You can't leave!" Henry said, "you have to bring back all the happy endings!"
"Kid I'm not talking about this anymore! I'm going back to Boston... I'm sorry Henry. I can't be here, it's not what's best for either of us."
"Let me take you to Grannies, we'll get you something for the road" I say. Not daring to look Henry in the eye as I betray him by assisting his mother leaving.

Truth be told, I didn't really like Emma.
Maybe I thought she was stuck up or selfish for leaving her son.
Later on it had been suggested that maybe I was jealous...
But I'm sure that conversation will be brought up some other time.

"Thanks, but Regina sent me with a truce desert. Apple turnover.
Emma says.
"You can't eat that it's poisoned!! It's Apple! That's like the Evil Queen's whole thing, poisoned apples." Henry yells.
"Kid it's not poisoned, your mom may not like me but she certainly wouldn't poison me. See?" Emma grabs the turnover ready to take a bite.

"Fine, if you don't believe me. You'll have to if you want to save me." With that Henry takes a bite from the treat.

"See kid? Not pois-"
Henry collapsed, dropping the Apple turnover and falling to the ground with a thud.

The next few minutes went by in a flash, next thing I know Emma's in the hospital passing back and forth as the doctors try and keep him stable as I hold his hand crying and begging him to be okay.

The chaos is broken by a shrill voice and the sound of heals rapidly coming in our direction
"Henry? Let me see my son!"
Regina didn't get near Henry before Emma grabbed her, pulling the two of them into a closet.
I stood there panicked worrying what would happen to Henry but it didn't matter, the shrill sound of the machine flatlining brought silence as Emma and Regina ran back out. Doctor whale and the nurses couldn't do anything, Henry's heart had stopped.

I fell back into a chair as Regina cried into Dr.Whale.
Emma slowly approached Henry's lifeless body moving his hair aside to give him a kiss, suddenly a flash of light and what felt like a breeze passed through me.

The curse... it had been broken. All the memories came rushing back, most importantly Henry was okay.
Emma was crying and Henry was shocked that the curse was broken. Mother Superior suggested Regina to go and hide which she did, running out of the hospital. After glancing at Henry seeing that he was fine I followed Regina and ran out myself. It was all too much, I know who my parents are... I had lived with one of them. And I had a sister... and a nephew. Gold! What about Gold? Thoughts rushing through my head as I stand in the middle of the road.
I'm almost hit by a car as David rushes back into town skidding to a stop as to not hit me. I doubt he knows who I am. It's not like we ever talked much when cursed. But Mary Margaret came rushing up to him as they hugged and kissed, ecstatic to be back in each others arms.

Thinking I was off the hook I turn to walk away but Mary Margaret grabbed my arm.
"Y/n, is it true?"
Nothing else had to be said, I knew what she meant.
"I-I don't know... you should go find Emma" as I turn to leave somebody calls out "no need, we're right here."
There stood Emma and a healthy looking Henry.

"So it's true then?" Emma asked, staring at David and Mary Margaret.
Mary Margaret was crying as she reached up cradling Emma's face before hugging her tight afraid to let go. David joined in as Mary Margaret teary eyed exclaimed "you found us!"
And just like that, once again. I had no family. I was orphaned all over again as they hugged the only daughter they ever wanted. The only daughter they loved.
So I did what I do best, I ran. Ran to the place that always had a sense of comfort, I ran to the pawn shop.
Rumple stood there hugging Belle but stopped when the bell on the door chimed, announcing my entrance.

Is stood there lip quivering seeking out some ounce of parental comfort. "Y/n?" He asked. As I burst into tears I just stood at the front door expecting him to come comfort me but he stood his ground holding Belle's hand.
That was all I needed to see. I knew every item in Gold's shop and I raced to find the one item that always seemed special to me. And old tattered hat that sat on a shelf high above and hidden from sight.

"Y/n, what are you doing! No" Gold tried to reason with me. Just then in came Mary Margaret, David and Emma. The happy trio.
"Y/n what are you doing!" Mary Margaret called.
"Leaving! It's not like I have a family here!"
I cried.
"But you do! Isn't that what Henry said? Gold, it's true isn't it? She's their daughter. She's my sister isn't she?" Emma said.
Gold was quite, ashamed looking he bowed his head no daring to look them in the eye. That was all the confirmation Mary Margaret needed to try and reason with me
"You're our daughter too! And I'm not giving up on you!"
She said.
Emma approached me crouching down trying to grab the hat. But something happened causing the hat to start spinning into something that looked like a vortex. Being so close I fell in first, Emma grabbed my hand but got sucked in to. The last thing was Mary Margaret screaming " NO! I won't lose them again!"

And then it all went black

Hi! This one is unedited but I still wanted to post, so sorry if there's any errors!
Hope it's alright though! I'll edit it some point soon!

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