Chapter 3. Can't I Just Stay In One Place?

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For 3 years I travelled with Killian and his crew aboard the Jolly Roger, I learnt how to thieve, flirt, and the most important skill a pirate needs, I learnt to like rum.

My time with Killian was fun, that is until we ran into my father... needless to say there where some issues between the two men, I found out how Killian lost his hand and why Rumple was always touchy about the subject of Mila.

I wasn't there the first time Killian and my Father where reunited, it turns out my father did care about me, he had let Belle go and was searching for me.

Knowing that pirates had valuable resources my father came to threaten Killian once more, if Killian gave him something to help find me, Killian gets to keep his other hand. Fair deal, right?

Well when I heard about what happened,
we waited for Rumple to return, and there, for the first time in years... I faced my father.

"Rumplestiltskin" I said, emerging from the captains quarters.

"Y/n ? It's- it's you! What are you doing here? Did he take you" and then like a scene out of Star Wars Rumple starts using his magic to choke Killian.

"Stop it! Stop it Rumple! He didn't do anything!"
He didn't stop. "I want to be here"
That made him stop, I think that was the first time I saw my father with remorse in his eyes, he didn't want to believe what I was saying.

"Do you know what this man has done! The pain he's caus-"
"Yes. He told me everything, I know why you hate him, it's because of her isn't it? Because of your wife."
The anger mixing with the sadness in his eyes was a frightening sight.

He screamed pointing his finger at me whilst raising his hand to once again choke Killian.

"NO! Bae left on his own, Killian did nothing! Mila was a bad mother but it's your fault Bae left! The same reason I left!! You don't care about those who love you Rumplestiltskin! You never have and you never will, THAT is why you loose people, not because of Killian's actions"
I had tears in my eyes as I screamed back at the man who had only ever protected me...

"That is the last time I show you any mercy" and Poof! He was gone, the cloud of red making him disappear.

I left that night, I abandoned Killian and the crew just as my parents had done to me. I left him no note, no way to find me. Only a bottle of rum I had added a memory potion to, that way he couldn't remember me. He wouldn't be hurt by my leaving, hurt like he had been with the death of Mila.

The next few years I spent in Sherwood Forest, I befriended a man by the name of Robin Hood, a thief who would steal from the rich to give to the poor.

I liked his motto, it gave me a reason to not feel so guilty when I stole. The time with the Merry Men was joyous but nothing like it was with Hook, that's what I was calling him now. Hook, it distanced me from all the emotions of being so close to him. I missed him, I really did.

After spending much time with Robin I learned how important family is, but, that didn't take away the teachings my father had given me. Revenge.

So, like any sensible person would do, I combined the two ideas

Family and Revenge!

That's, what made me decide to take a trip to the enchanted forest. That's, what made me decide to go after Snow White and Prince Charming, I was going to make them pay.

But it all changed, when some petty bitch, used a curse.

Thoughts on this one? Thanks for reading lovelys! 🤍

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