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It was two o'clock in the morning when Frizz received the call: their first Rictorian-Zibon birth was imminent.

Immediately, he sent out a signal via his I-Spy to his second team. He hoped they were well rested. It was going to be a big day.

He was trembling only slightly as he made his way down to the birthing suite, though his vision seemed a little narrower than usual, his mind and thoughts focused on the hours ahead. There was a lot of responsibility and hopes resting upon his shoulders.

So much could go wrong. And yet ... he'd been monitoring the Rictorian everyday for the past ten months—and he'd uncovered nothing concerning. In fact, it had progressed perfectly and far better than an average Zibon birth. Considering the risk, it was astounding. He needed to be more positive. If the pregnancy had gone without a hitch, then it was likely the birth would too.

It was a few weeks early, earlier than the earliest pregnancies but that was to be expected with such a unique situation.

He stepped into the birthing suite and was pleased to find that everything was ready. Everybody seemed calm, gloved and masked, standing back a little to give the Rictorian some space. They'd had countless sims, preparing for the best, preparing for the worst. All kinds of scenarios that currently raced through Frizz's mind.

Frizz studied her briefly from across the room. She seemed to be managing okay, sitting up in bed, her eyes closed as she puffed. Her long dark hair spilled down her shoulders. Her belly was enormous. It made him nervous. Not only was she carrying twins but she was so tiny compared with her Zibon mate.

Roco was sitting on a chair by her side, stretched over the bed as he held her hand. He was so white he looked like he was going to pass out.

'Good morning everyone,' Frizz said.

All heads turned his way. Myeong smiled at him, clearly relieved. Frizz smiled back. He'd gotten to know them both intimately over the past ten months. How could he not? Roco didn't really smile, though he tried, his mouth pulling into a grimace.

Hearing footsteps, he turned to find the rest of the second team filing in. They were looking a little groggy but seemed to brighten the moment they walked in.

Frizz raised his hands. 'Remember, keep calm. It could be many hours yet until delivery. Let's make sure everything is ready.' He went over to his technicians and looked over the observational data. 'How are the infants ...?'

Eight hours. Eight hours and Myeong was ready to deliver. They had the surgical unit on standby in case the infants became distressed. Frizz became more and more confident that they wouldn't need it. Both babies were in the correct delivery position. The Rictorian seemed to be holding her own observations well. Frizz even used Roco as a cue. Though Roco did not experience the intensity of the pain Myeong did, he certainly felt the echo of it. The lines were deep in his forehead, his cheeks sunken in as he grimaced and gritted his teeth.

Frizz had offered her everything in the way of pain relief but the Rictorian was adamant she would use as little as possible—and she was doing well. Her screams burst around the room as Frizz sat between her legs, his heart pounding. What if this was a failure? What if it all went wrong?

What if it all went right?

'I see the head,' Frizz called. 'How are their vitals?'

'Both babies' vitals are good.'

'And the mother's?'


Myeong screamed again, bearing down as she slowly pushed out the child's shoulders. After that, the child slid easily into Frizz's hands, wet and squirming, bloodied and crying, its little mouth a big round O. The room cheered.

Frizz handed him over to a technician who immediately swaddled him. It was an easy birth. Surprisingly easy. Too easy.

'Come on, come on,' Frizz muttered under his breath.

Myeong screamed again. There was a small gush of blood.

'Vitals!' Frizz called.

'Stable!' came the call back.

Frizz braced himself as she began to crown. Quicker than the first, her shoulders slid right through and suddenly Frizz was holding her in his big hands. She was the bigger of the two, as wet and bloodied as her brother. Her wails were swallowed up by even louder cheering.

Frizz took a moment to study her, his heart in his throat, before handing her over to another technician. The first baby was quiet and swaddled and was handed over to the Rictorian. Frizz stood to allow a technician to clean Myeong up, giving Frizz a chance to quickly wash and watch on proudly.

This was always the most enjoyable part but more so now than ever before. The Rictorian was holding the baby to her chest, looking down upon her son with her dark shining eyes, her black hair falling around her face. The baby already had his eyes open and was staring brightly back. Yellow eyes. The eyes of a Zibon.

As for Roco, the second baby was handed to him. He was awkward, terrified of holding something so delicate in his big arms but with the technician's help, he found his confidence. He'd been pale through the entirety of the birth but now colour flooded his face. He was grinning, his yellow eyes wide with surprise. As he leaned over to kiss his daughter on the forehead, Frizz felt a little jerk in his navel.

It had always been such a rare moment. Now, it could be normal. He could be doing this every day. Every day. He spoke to his technicians, making sure that all vitals were normal. Perfectly healthy babies. Perfectly healthy mother. He'd rarely experienced a birth that ran so smoothly.

Frizz clutched at his throat. There was hope for his species. So much hope. Roco was sitting on the edge of the bed now. He kissed Myeong on the mouth, then pressed his forehead to hers.

Frizz shook himself and took a step back. He had a call to make. Leaving the couple, he went over to the unmanned console at the back of the room. Almost immediately he connected with his contact.

'It's over,' Frizz told the solemn-looking Zibon on the screen. 'The labour went perfectly. Their vitals are stable. We've done a quick assessment and cellular scan—no abnormalities. They're a perfect hybrid.'

The Zibon nodded. 'Keep us updated. We want regular reports on their development—and all future births, of course.'

'Of course.' Frizz paused. 'Does this mean you will open official dialogue with the Rictorians?'

'That doesn't concern you.'

'But what ...'

They disconnected. Frizz frowned at the empty screen. He looked over and saw Roco watching him.

Frizz smiled and left the console, clapping his hands. 'So, the fist day of a new beginning ...'

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