Chloe & Tor

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Chloe stared at the wall. They'd been in bed for what must have been hours and she hadn't slept a wink. Her heart was pounding and she was sweating under her shirt. Tor was asleep, his arm around her waist. She could feel the heat of his breath against the back of her neck.

She'd planned to be done already but she hadn't had the guts to make the first move. Tor wasn't pushing her anymore. And right now that was what she needed—to be pushed.

Just do it. Just do it. Just do it.

'Tor,' she whispered.

No response.

Carefully, she turned over. He didn't rouse. Chloe stared into his handsome face. She let her eyes trail over his strong nose, his high cheekbones, his dark thick eyebrows. It was hard to see too much in the darkness but she knew him so well now she didn't really need to see. His big shoulder rose and fell as he breathed. She suddenly remembered the way his erection had felt in her hand. His semen had been hot and sticky. It hadn't been scary at all.

It wouldn't be scary. Tor would be careful. He would stop if she asked him to. She was lucky, she reminded herself. A lot of women didn't have it like this.

'Tor,' she said a little more loudly.

She brushed her lips against his. Then she started to kiss him. Finally, he roused. She felt his jerk of surprise. Then he was kissing her back, his arm curling tightly around her as he pulled her close. Then he was hugging her, burying his face into her hair.

'I love you,' he told her.

Chloe's voice was a croak. 'You need to help me. I don't know what to do.'

'What do you mean?'

'I want to—I want to do it tonight. Now.'

He stiffened.

'I can't wait anymore. But I'm—but I'm scared.' Her eyes pricked with tears and all she wanted to do was slap herself. What a stupid time to be upset!

He pulled away. 'I won't make you scared.'

'I can't see your face properly. I can't see your eyes.'

He reached over to turn on the light. Chloe felt the tension in her chest ease as she looked back into his soft yellow gaze. He rested his hand on her shoulder, then leaned in to kiss her again.

'I love you, too,' she said against his lips.

He smiled. And it was so handsome, Chloe's throat dried up and it hurt to swallow. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he pulled her on top.

'Maybe you should be on top,' she told him.

'No. It's time to be brave. You touch me. Don't worry, I won't bite.' He grinned.

Chloe felt a shot of unease.

'I won't hurt you.'

'I know.'

'Let's make it easy. What if I tell you to do something and you do it?'

Chloe nodded. 'That sounds good.'

'Okay then. Take off your shirt.'

Chloe surprised herself; she didn't hesitate. Tor stared, the brightness in his eyes turning dark. 'Now, take my hands and press them against your-your breasts.'

She picked up his hands and pressed them there. Chloe was smiling now. She couldn't help it. The look on Tor's face almost made her burst into giggles. His lips were pursed and his cheeks were flushed. At this point, at least, it seemed easier for her than for him.

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