Rachel & Miktar

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Rachel sat on the edge of the bed, gazing through the window. Space. She still could not believe she was in outer space! With aliens!

She'd kind of slept during the night. She might have caught a few hours sleep, peering up at the ceiling, looking towards the door, staring out through the window.

She'd been alone all night. Where was that Miktar? If he wanted to "bond", why was he staying away? Rachel licked her lips. It would be so damned easy—and damn fun too! She'd been thinking about it all night—what she would do when he finally reappeared. She'd thought of numerous different scenarios. Each one more dramatic and erotic than the last.

At the sound of a thump, Rachel looked over. She stood in surprise as lights lit up in the little kitchenette. Then all the lights turned on and she looked over her shoulder towards the door. Her heart started to speed up. Rachel wiped her mouth. Even despite her eagerness, she was wary.

She jumped as a flap opened up in the wall and a tray slid onto the bench. She went over and lifted up a cloche. It looked like egg. It smelled like egg. She jumped again as a second meal slid out. She was about to lift the second cloche when the door slid open.

'Oh!' The cloche clattered to the floor. 'Sorry.' She bent over to pick it up, the heat rushing to her cheeks. In all the scenarios she'd imagined, she'd been in much more control than this. It was his looks. It was his size. It was his entire mystery. It all took her aback. He wants to make love to you and have your babies.


He walked inside, a pleasant smile pulling back his soft lips. Rachel watched them as he spoke. 'Can I join you?'

Rachel nodded numbly. His voice was even more beautiful now that she could understand him. She pressed her hand to the side of her head in dismay. Aisha had told her she'd learn their alien language quickly. But this was ridiculous.

'Here, let me take that.' She jerked as his fingers brushed against hers. He took the cloche and placed it back.

He took both trays and placed them on the little table. He sat down. Rachel sat opposite him.

'Did you have a restful night?' He spoke slowly, his big hands lying flat upon the table on either side of his tray. He was smiling at her. His long dark hair spilled down his right shoulder in a ponytail. His yellow eyes were like gold.

Rachel cleared her throat. She nodded. Say something! But when she opened her mouth nothing came out.

'Let's eat. I hope you like it.'

Miktar pulled the cloche away from his meal and Rachel did the same. Miktar. She even liked his name. Rachel ate without really tasting it. Her ears were filled with the thudding of her heartbeat. Every now and then she would raise her eyes to study him. But every time she did, he'd meet her gaze and she would drop her eyes again. They didn't really speak but the air around them crackled with sexual energy.

At the end of the meal she put down her napkin and shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

'How was it?' he asked.

Say something! 'Honestly, I didn't really taste it.'

'You didn't like it?' There was a groove between his eyes as he frowned.

'I'm not sure. I'm not really thinking straight.'

'Of course. It's overwhelming, I know.'

Rachel stared at his lips. 'Yeah. You could say that.'

'I kept away last night. I wanted to make you feel comfortable.'

Bearing down on her uncharacteristic shyness, she forced herself to look back into his amazing yellow eyes. 'Did you bring me here to have sex with me?'

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