Suriani & Halo

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'I think it's time.'

Halo looked up at Reece, the new medical specialist.

'Time for what?'

'Time for you to leave.'

Halo's eyes widened. He whipped off his blanket.

'Are you sure?' Suriani said.

'He's the specialist,' Halo said. He staggered as he stood. Suriani leapt up to help but Halo pulled away. 'I don't need your help. I might be older but I'm far from enfeebled.'

And I'm the one who's supposed to hold you, he thought to himself. He imagined it now, pulling her up against him, gripping her face in his big hands, carrying her in his arms. It was going to be so good feeling strong again.

Reece gave him instructions. 'We want you to keep the monitor on, just so we can keep an eye on your heart while you're active.'

Halo raised an eyebrow. 'While I'm active?'

Reece tried to hold back a smile.

Suriani's cheeks were red.

'They won't get in the way,' Reece said, adjusting the dots on his chest.

'As long as you promise not to rush in simply because of a flutter,' Halo said.

Reece grinned. 'We can't promise you anything.'

Halo laughed. Already he was feeling better, stronger. How could he not? Being stuck in the infirmary seemed to weaken one's soul. He took Suriani's hand. She was looking up at him with her lovely grey eyes. He could feel the uncertainty like a little pinch at the back of his neck.

'Are you all right?' Halo asked her as Reece turned away.

'You feel that?' He whole face was red now and she couldn't meet his eyes. 'I'm nervous. That's all. But excited.'

'We don't have to do anything today.'

'No. I want to.' Her eyes were shining. 'I've been thinking of it since you've woken up. It's all I've been able to think about.'

Halo's heart did a little leap.

It was a strangely tense and awkward walk back to their room. His fellow Zibons were nodding and smiling at him, pleased to know he was released and well. A couple of long term workers shook his hand. Halo introduced them to Suriani. Suriani watched them as they walked away.

'What are you thinking about?' he asked her.

'All these men ... they're going to be like us soon.'

'What do you mean?'



'Is it?'

'Isn't it?' He gave her a puzzled look.

'As much as I love you, it's frightening.'

'You're thinking of your daughter.'

'Yes. I haven't seen her for a while.'

'I'm sure she's fine. Lew will keep her happy and safe.'

'I suppose.'

'Like I will you.' He squeezed her hand. 'Here we are.'

'I almost forgot about this place.' She looked up and down the corridor. 'This is where they took me.'

Halo scanned the door open and they stepped inside. Suriani looked around the room, her eyes lingering on the meal bench.

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