Brenda & Zibry

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'Do I have to go? What's the point? There'll be nothing they can do anyway.' The last thing Brenda wanted was to be looked at like she was pointless or shoved into the corner of the room like she didn't matter.

Taking her shoulders, Zibry kissed the side of her neck. Ticklish, Brenda shrugged.

'I'm sure it'll only be quick. I'll come with you.'

'Can Juan come?' They'd been visiting each other every day for the past week. She'd really needed his support. It seemed he was the only Rictorian she could get really close to now without worrying things might change. The others would move on with their families. She would not.

'I don't see why not,' he said. 'In fact, they'll probably want to have a look at him too. He did withstand the Wrilings.'

'Okay. Let me contact him and then we'll go.'

Juan was waiting outside his room, the giant Zibon Clint by his side. Juan hugged her. How are you feeling? his eyes spoke. Brenda squeezed his hand and gave him a quivering smile. Wrapping his arm around her shoulders, they walked together, their two Zibon mates following behind.

Most of the ladies were already assembled in the infirmary by the time Brenda arrived. All except Myeong. Brenda tried to give Aisha a pleased smile but it probably came out as more of a grimace. It was an interesting mark, and it wasn't the same as Alexis's, almost a bright pink. Brenda wondered if the different "designs" meant anything.

The room was full. Everybody had brought their partners. There were several Zibons she'd never seen before waiting in white coats by benches they'd already set up with sheets, their equipment pulled close. She could feel their yellow eyes darting over her. Don't get too excited. You're not going to get what you want with me. Brenda dropped her eyes.

'There's no need for him to be here,' a Zibon with a scruffy black beard spoke, gesturing at Juan. 'We've already made allowances for you to accompany her, along with the rest of you. This room is full enough.' He was speaking directly to Zibry, like she wasn't even there.

'He stays or I go back to my room,' Brenda said.

The Zibon swivelled his eyes to her. Then he rolled them and shook his head.

'Prick,' Juan muttered.

Brenda stood by as they started analysing the others. Alexis and Aisha, of course, looked different but the major change was with Karina. Physically, she looked the same—kind of. The same short spiky hair, the tattoos and muscular shoulders and yet, somehow, she looked completely different. Almost unrecognisable. The way she held herself. The expressions she was pulling. Brenda knew that her brain damage had been healed by the bond, but the affect had changed her so much. She looked younger. Pretty, even. Her Zibon partner was standing behind her, his hand upon her shoulder.

She was calm as a Zibon scanned her. Another was scanning Chloe, who was lying down, her dark hair flowing over the edges of the bench. She was looking different too, practically glowing. Brenda was glad for her.

Zibry left her side to go speak to the other Zibons while she waited. Brenda held herself. 'I don't like this,' she told Juan. 'I feel sick. What are they going to say?'

Juan shrugged. 'Don't feel sick. I can't have babies and nobody cares.' Brenda knew he was trying to be light and funny but all it made her do was sigh.

Karina slid from the bench and the Zibon came up to Brenda. 'All right, you're next.'

Brenda was twirling her finger through her hair nervously as she sat down. Another Zibon approached and they both began scanning her with instruments that emitted a green light. She'd been scanned by one of these things before when she'd banged her head.

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