Myeong & Roco

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It was good to get together. It was good to see how well everyone was doing. From Drake to Silo to Roco himself—none of them had anything to complain about. That was the way bonding worked. Who would have thought that he would be so content? A year ago he would have scoffed at the thought of a companion—impossible. Though pined for one was more accurate. He would have laughed at the thought of a family.

Roco's gaze skimmed over the ladies. One, two, three, now four pregnancies. Silo's mate seemed enthusiastic and talkative, the mark standing bright against her white skin. As for Silo himself, he couldn't stop laughing. He'd never heard the big Zibon laugh like that before. Roco hadn't really known he could laugh. Then there was Zibry's parter—Brenda, with the red hair. She was ecstatic. She was practically glowing.

Then his eyes found Myeong. She was speaking with the male Rictorian, who kept sweeping his fringe out of his eyes, grinning, his mismatched gaze bright. Myeong was concealing it well but Roco felt her pain like a knife carving through his lower abdomen. Karina's revelation had been a shock.

'Roco, you all right?'

Roco turned. 'Just fine.'

Tor clapped on the shoulder. At least Tor's partner hadn't yet conceived. Roco searched for her long dark hair, finding her speaking with the other girl her age—Aisha. Her pretty youthful face was as smooth as ever. No mark. That was something. They couldn't give up hope just yet.

'How are things coming along with you and yours?' Tor said.

'Good enough.'

Tor waited but Roco didn't elaborate. 'Same with me. Good enough.' Tor grinned. 'She wants to join me on some expeditions but they won't let her go. She's getting antsy. I feel her frustration. I feel a deep well of excitement she can do nothing about. She's impatient. Much like me.'

'You can't be too impatient,' Roco said. 'You were the last to bond.'

'True,' he nodded. 'Took even longer than Silo. Who would have thought?! Worth the wait, though.' He turned to look at her and Silo could almost feel the warmth pouring out of him. 'So different to when we first started.'

'I know what you mean.'

Roco was watching Myeong. From the corner of his eye, he could see Tor watching him.

'Aren't you worried?' Roco said.

'About what?'

'You know what.'


'Why not?'

'I'm just not.' And like Roco, he refused to elaborate.

With another clap of his shoulder, Tor left him to his thoughts. Roco went and joined Clint and Drake, who were standing by the balcony.

'Unfair you have such nice quarters,' Roco said..

Clint shrugged. 'I guess they're less worried he might fall over the edge.' He grinned. 'It's good to not be so important. I don't envy you, to be honest.'

'I guess that's one way of viewing it,' Roco said. If worse came to worst, at least they'd have more freedom.

'Have either of you heard from Captain Ream lately?' Drake said. 'Or anything about what's going on with the mission? Are they moving ahead?'

'From what I hear, they've finally decided to wait for a birth,' Clint said. 'Then they're going to move in.'


'As a first course of action, yes.'

'What's the second course?'

Nobody answered. They all turned as Chloe burst into laughter. Roco watched as Tor went over, wrappings his arms around her waist. Quinton joined them, along with Juan. Myeong was suddenly alone.

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