Kylie & Lew

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It was hard to catch her breath. She was so sore that it hurt to move. She felt sticky, both with her sweat and Lew's sweat, saliva and cum. She felt both disgusting and wonderful at the same time.

Kylie stared up at the ceiling as colourful lights twisted and danced before her eyes. Was she hallucinating or were her eyes so blurry she simply couldn't see straight? She was sick with hunger and her throat was as dry as a bone.

More of Lew's cum poured out of her as she sat up with a groan. She looked down at the sheet in disgust. It was just one massive white patch. She couldn't count how many times she'd done it. In only a few days she'd done it more than during her entire life.

She heard Lew finish up in the bathroom. It was morning—she thought. And it was always worse in the morning once Lew had had a few hours sleep. Sometimes she'd wake up to him already buried deeply into her, his shaft making its own way into her vagina while they slept. He would come inside her too, the result of a wet dream made real.

It was endless. They should separate but neither could leave each other long enough to even step outside the door.

The door to the bathroom slid open. Lew was a wreck, looking as bad as Kylie felt. There were bags under his eyes. His skin looked grey. He was breathing fast. He certainly looked thinner. It made her feel sick—or was that just her hunger?

Kylie grabbed at her stomach. She shut her eyes, then opened them, her gaze latching onto his shaft. Instantly, she felt the blood rush to her hips, just as it rushed to his shaft, lifting and thickening and swelling to its unbelievable size. Poor Lew had it worse. Staggering, he gripped onto the wall as his knees sagged.

Kylie burst into tears. 'I think we need to go to the infirmary.'

'I think so too.'

'Where's your I-Spy?'

He nodded towards the table. Kylie slid from the bed with a sob. It felt like she'd been hit by a truck. She staggered over, grabbing her groin with a gasp. The burning was getting worse and worse. She could feel Lew's eyes upon her and it made her shiver.

'Stop looking at me!' she shouted.

Her hand was trembling as she picked up the I-Spy. Somehow, she knew how to use it, courtesy of their bond she was sure.

'Hi ... is this the infirmary? This-this is Kylie. I'm with Lew. We need your help.'

The man on the other side tried to ask her a question but the I-Spy slid from her grasp as the table spun and the floor moved and the ceiling arched overhead.

She heard Lew's voice echoing in her ears. 'Kylie!'

She didn't know how long she was out for but by the time she woke up she was surrounded by people.

'I'm naked!' Kylie tried to sit up but someone pushed her back down again, his hand in the middle of her chest. 'Don't touch me!'

The man snapped his hand back. He raised his hands, showing his palms. 'I'm only trying to help. You called us, remember?'

Kylie wrapped her arm over her chest and twisted her legs together. Finally, someone came over and threw a sheet over her. Oh, God, did they see the bed?

'Where's Lew?'

She tried to sit up but he gently pushed her back down again. Her head wouldn't stop spinning. She swallowed down the urge to throw up.

Someone tried to tug away the sheet. 'Stop it,' she murmured, rolling her eyes in her head.

'We need to monitor your heart,' the Zibon spoke, his face blurry. 'Lew is okay, though not good. Neither of you are well. We'll take you to the infirmary.'

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