V.I.N (Very Important Notice)

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NeoTheProFox ChickenNuggetPersun @RetroJ4 (Tysm to these people and more)

Honk ho there, it is I, the author of The Choccy Chronicles (or TCC for short). I just want to say thanks to all the people that have motivated and inspired me to actually write this. Originally, I wasn't even going to write a story but after some very special people enjoyed reading my draft version of this, I decided to go ahead and write this version of TCC. Just that slight amount of help was all I needed to inspire me to come up with this story, and even to this point they are still helping me out and its absolutely moving and motivating. Anyhonks that's all from me until the credits of the story, here's the actual Very Important Notice.


There will be Trigger warnings, such as detailed scenes of gore and more. I will also include some strong language just to spice up the dialogues. The MOST important thing is that I pride myself in details, how is this important? Well... my story will go on for a very long time without artistic scenery, so if you struggle to read a novel without imagining the scene from my descriptions, then it's going to be a very tough read.

P.S The Choccy Chronicles will be a very long continous story, eventually different protagonists instead of being seperated into different books, this may seem confusing at first but continue reading and you'll see. As of now it consists of two seperate acts but more may come in the future

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