Chapter 12 - Calamity in Citadel

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"So... What are we going to do?"

"What do you mean?"

     Ewolram twirls around a fluffy, squishy ball. Throwing them from one gooey paw to the other.
    "I mean like, we've been around a lot, but we still have zero clue about who we are. Funny right?" he monologues, turning his head towards the equally as curious and wondering Marlowe.
    "You're right. But no one knows who we are and we don't know either." Marlowe ponders, catching the yarn-like ball that Ewolram tossed at him. "I mean at this point, do we really want to know who we were before?"
"True true." replies Ewolram, shaking his paws and shrugging his shoulders. "For all we know, we're just a couple of Haas beens."

     Their environment slightly shook, the little dream bubble that they imagined up themselves with ever so slight hints of blue, wobbling around as something around them moved. After a few seconds, tranquility returned to the small dreamscape of Marlowe's and Ewolram's.

     "I think. Those people ranting about that Worldshifter thing." Ewolram paused as he thought of the words to say it properly. For an odd amount of time he just had an open mouth and dazed eyes, trying to think of what exactly it was. "You know- the thing."

     "Wait. Did you say Ha - As beens?" asked Marlowe, noticing that Ewolram said the word in two parts instead of just, "Has."
     "So?" Ewolram replied.
"I don't know, why'd you say it like that?"
"I felt like it."

     Before Marlowe almost started an argument with Ewolram on how to properly say, "Has." Another space earthquake shook the two of them as someone was shaking Marlowe awake.
     "See you on the outsideee!"


     "LAP CATS!!"



     This was what Marlowe was hearing as he woke up. Insults hurled back and forth, getting louder and louder till there were was a cacophony of banter and slander directed between two unknown parties.
     Besides him was Avi already up. Covering her ears and nudging Marlowe's side with her foot.
     "GET UP!" she shouted. The voices from below being much louder than she was.
Marlowe rolled his fluffy, brown neck around, Ewolram already taken a spot on his left shoulder like a parrot after he had finished stretching.
     "What's happening?" he yawned, poking his head out the tent to see Mundo pacing and Treble somehow calmly chatting with Ezra.
"We've arrived at the crossing."
"What crossing?"
Avi facepalmed, "The one between the New Caracal Republic and the Carelian Democratic Union. Also known as one of the worst spots to ever go sightseeing. Ever."

     She led Marlowe out into the sunlight, with Mundo beside them explaining what's happening to Marlowe.
     "All the noise you hear are the Carelians and Caracals on each side of the river." Mundo tells him, "As usual they're just yelling and screaming insults at one another."
     "But why?" questions Marlowe, after all it seemed weird two neighboring countries would hate each other.
"Eh, some past history that Lupa knows a bit about, but they just hate each other's guts for the whole world to know and here. Anyways we better get moving before we become deaf, Lupa's gonna have to cross separately from us."

     Terra came out of her tent as Mundo finished speaking with Marlowe. With a new, less tattered but equally makeshift dress that almost fitted her size.
     "Can we hurry up?" she sheepishly asks her brother, who was walking off already but still shouted back.
     "Let's go then!"

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