Chapter 8 - Side Tracked

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Avi and Marlowe talked, A LOT.
First, they just had casual side conversations on the way to her house, obviously avoiding the more sensitive topics to humble themselves. But it did help Marlowe (and Ewolram) figure out a few more things about the world and possibly a way they could jog their memory.
Avi introduced them about Kresiek's theory on his 'Astral Magic'. Apparently it's what gives magical gifts to anthros and even humans, possibly even in every living thing around them. But to her opinion, it's just his wacko version of trying to make sense of the magical abilities that science couldn't explain through years of research.
Second, she gave them a mental image of Prando, which was where they were at; or more specifically Calitoria, capitol of the Caracal Republic and a force to be reckoned with. To the north was The Great Alpine Forests and Lightside; and to the west was Oasis, a blossoming city encircled by a huge mountain range with only one way in and out. Strife pass.
Finally third and foremost, she explained a small bit about how Lightside looked. Reputationally it's the fanciest, safest and cleanest city in Prando. But before she could say anything else; they had already arrived in front of her house.

Ewolram also had a decently longer chat with Marlowe tonight, while he and Avi were falling asleep. Talking about how there was something off and asking if he could feel it too. Of course the area around them felt weird, but it was probably just because they were still absolutely new to the place. Just like a newborn re-experiencing the world again.

By the time Marlowe woke up for the next day, Avi was already awake, standing in front of a mirror and changing out of the dress into something much more comfortable; a white polo shirt with a different pattern and a short version of her previous khaki pants. Her eyes dart to the reflection of him watching, "Come on Marlowe, get up and get changed. And stop staring at me you know it makes me feel weird." she says while making sure her clothes were properly and tightly on. Buttoning her polo all the way up.
Marlowe scrambles out of the bed, yawning while stretching his arms and legs. The joints and bones making the most satisfying CRACK and POP noise as his joints adjusted themselves into position.

"What time is it?" he asks, yawning again.
"One o' clock in the afternoon, ALREADY." she complains, rushing around to grab her things. "What are you standing around for? We're late to meet Treble by the gates already!" tossing Marlowe some clothes to wear. Avi's phone starts blaring out with one of Treble's tunes, she picks it up just as Treble demands for them to hurry up before all the good travel deals end. The two rush around in organised panic, grabbing all the essentials before bursting out the brown, battered front door of her house. The Sun flashing rays of shining gold onto their faces.

Whilst dashing through the brightened streets of Calitoria, Avi pointed to a narrow alleyway as they abruptly made a sharp turn to run that way instead. A tiny gap in between two polished buildings.
"Follow me!" she shouted, leading the way to squeeze through the tight building crevice to the other side. Marlowe followed suit, twisting around and around through a strait like maze till they popped out to the other side.

It was a hidden square plaza, quite small in size at first, shadowed by a thatched, netted roof. Overgrown by smaller plants, flowering to the blooming spring season. Streaks of sunshine glowered to spots where the lily-like flowers blossomed, a variety of yellow and pink and green. The floor was a faded cobblestone path, littered with wild grass and dandelions. The walls were walls of the houses the squared around the little safe haven, unable to tell whether someone lived inside of them. Multiple other openings into the courtyard from all the way over there, being much farther than it looks. The place was bigger than imaginable, for someplace undiscovered and untouched, it could probably fit an entirely new small district of houses.
In the middle of the worn-down courtyard was an even more untended statue of an anthro. It's details unrecognizable from where they were standing. Nearby, a small makeshift camp and wooden bench were set up, on the bench were two much more familiar individuals. One pink protogen and one white avian.

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