"Is this normal?"

He asked himself not knowing what the answer was.

He hoped that this was something normal. He spent almost all of his life with her. He even made up his mind to live by her side, being her guard dog for life at one point… he, who was not sure of himself, hoped that this is a normal thing that could happen after he left her.

It will be alright.

Mikhael told himself. He had Alisa now. He would overcome it. The memories with Rowena, would, one day, make him feel nothing.


"Hmm..? Mikhael…?"

The sleeping Alisa tried to open her eyes.

"I'm not calling you to wake you up. Go back to sleep."

He said so but the woman had already raised her head up to see him.

"Are you okay? Why do you look so pale, Khal?"

"I'm okay. Don't worry. It's just a nightmare."

Her gaze dropped a little. The nightmare was probably something related to Rowena again. She kissed his lips without a warning.
Just how could that woman do this to him? How could she tie him down and make him like this? He couldn't even sleep comfortably. Constantly having nightmares and emotionally tangled with that woman. She wished that she had done something more than stand by watching that woman commanded him around.

The more she thought of it, the more hatred towards Rowena increased. She provoked her from time to time. She hurt her feelings just as much but her selfishness towards this man was worse.

"Should we sleep in the same room?" She asked.


"So any time you awaken from a nightmare, you will always find me right next to you. Then I'll hug Mikhael like this."

She claimed teasingly as she hugged him tightly.

"Okay. Let's sleep in the same room from now on."

"Are you feeling better now?"

"A little. Thanks to a certain someone."

He smiled slightly with his eyes closed showing how sincere he was with his words. Alisa felt her eyes ache before she kissed him again.

She wished that she could say what was in her heart to that very woman.
She had a lot to say.

He had done nothing but his best.
Without a complaint and sincerely from his heart.

Alisa remembered the time when he held no interest in her yet.
He apologized when he was wrong.
He didn't avoid his mistake or manipulate her into thinking it wasn't his fault for not being a good husband due to his duty which most men would do.
He listened and he remembered.
He was always honest.

"Khal, before our first night. Do you remember what you said? You told me that you didn't really care if we slept together or not. Were you really intending to let our marriage go on without touching me?"

Mikhael was quiet for a while before he decided to speak.


Alisa pouted.

"I am his wife. How could you not think about touching me at all?"

"Well, I didn't think much of it. I kinda thought that you didn't like me that way anyway so do it or not won't matter, I was also having a fling with her. Moreover, I thought a woman always wants to be touched by the man she loves."

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