Chapter 26

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"Why did you let them live, your grace? Just let me kill them!"

One of his men mumbled from behind as they walked out.

"That's because the Duke has a brain and you don't."

Another one replied, making the others bursted out laughing except for Mikhael who was busy thinking about something.

"Your grace, how does it feel to be married?"
Someone sneaked from behind, asking with a teasing smile.


Seeing Mikhael respond dryly, they frowned.

"I really want to know though."

"Get married and find out for yourself."

"Doesn't it feel nice having a wife waiting for you at home? I mean, different from the random woman we meet once in a while, a wife will take care of us!"

"That's why I said get married and find out." Mikhael glared at them.

"Get married my butt. We need to follow the Duke everywhere!"  

"You guys are annoying. Go away."

"Please tell madam that we can have another drink anytime, your grace!"

The men made a run for it before Mikhael kicked their asses after keeping on throwing jokes at him.


As he glared at the running guy in disbelief, a soft voice calling for him reached his ears. Turning his focus to the destination it came from, someone was waving her hands fast like thunder.

"Why are you here at this hour?" He approached her.

"Because they said you're here." Alisa grinned.

Mikhael sighed, took off his hat to put on her instead. It was 12, the time where the sun let out his heat the most.

"Bring an umbrella. It's hot."

"Oh I forgot. Thank you."

"Let's go back."


Alisa held his forearm as they started taking steps ahead. After a few breaths of silence, she started a topic.

"When will we go back?"

"Two days later we will go back. I have work to wrap up, we can't stay here for long."

"Okay." She smiled.

"Do you want to go anywhere before we go back?"

"I don't know."

Alisa shook her head. She didn't even know how many beautiful places the borderline has. Mikhael didn't say anything, he just called for someone and told them to bring a horse, a woman's coat and a helmet for him. Alisa stood there not knowing what he was gonna do, when the horse arrived, they handed the coat to him as well as the helmet.

Mikhael took off the bat on her head and put a helmet on instead. After that, he put the coat on her shoulder and told her to wear it properly on her own. Alisa did what she was told and suddenly she felt her stomach leave her body. Widened her eyes and held his neck automatically, she felt like she was getting a heart attack.

He lifted her up like she was some sort of pillow and put her on the horse's back before jumping on from behind.

"Let's go to a place. It's nearby."

"What place is it?"

She asked excitedly while he gave the horse a little kick as a sign telling it to start walking.

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