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Previously on Across The Kaleidoscope...

"If the world were to end, what would you do?"

"You will be going on a journey soon."

"We finally found you, Decade."

"If we do not prevent Decade's journey, all of our fates will be sealed."

"As Taurus Ballista had said, if you put on that belt and start your journey, your fate, as well as the worlds', will be sealed. You may try and forget your mission, but it will come back once you've reached the end of your journey."

"Let's go… Henshin!"


"We're here. This is… Kuuga's world."

"Gegeru po bagigi girage!"


"Kuuga's world…" Ritsuka muttered again, his hand still on the backdrop.

"...Was that it?" "What?"

"Just like that, we're now in a different world?" Tetsuya sounded skeptical. "I thought there would be a bit more pizzazz…"

"Tetsu… Is that really the thing you're complaining about?" "What, don't look at me like that…"

"Not everything is like what you see on TV, Tetsuya." Ritsuka rolled his eyes at his friend's embarrassment. "Let's go see what this place is like." 'Maybe it'll help me remember something…"

Taking the lead once again (well, more like those two were waiting for him to make the first move), Ritsuka exited the room and went back towards the entrance of the former cafe. He opened the door and the three teens stepped out into the new world.

Just one glance around and they knew that they were truly a long way from home.

"The city…" There was nothing wrong with it…which was why it was wrong. Every building was no longer damaged in any way. The sky, while a bit cloudy, no longer was black with smoke. There were a few people out in the street, most of whom were on a morning jog, and several cars drove down the wet roads. Finally, on the horizon was a mountain range. It was like the past few hours had not happened at all.

"We really are in another world…" Ryoko muttered in disbelief. Sure, saying that you believe in other universes was one thing but to actually be in one was another thing entirely. Both she and Tetsuya slowly walked forward, mesmerized by their surroundings. It should have been an everyday sight to them but with what they have just experienced not long ago, it was amazing.

Ritsuka, however, was not as entranced by the buildings and people around him. Instead, he was more focused on what needs to be done. "Hey, Tetsuya, Ryoko." He tried to get their attention.

"Hmm? What's up?" Ryoko responded without looking at him.

"Don't forget why we're here." "And why are we here? All you told us was that we're going on a journey," said Tetsuya, also not turning around.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2022 ⏰

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