Chapter 18-Untouchable

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I was in my room, reading one of my books when Zack barreled in out of nowhere. He shut the door and sat on the sofa.

"What's up?"

"I've got some news."

"Is it bad?"

"It's not good. I was meeting with people today and there's been rumors going around that there's going to be a big fight soon."


"They say it's the fight of the century." There was a pregnant pause after that.

"Well spit it out."

"Between Ripper and Cade."

"What! I haven't even registered for any fight. Especially not with psycho Cade." The last time I fought with Cade was four years ago, and it ended with a tie. The fight was so bloody because none of us would give up. Eventually it was stopped and has remained unfinished since then. That was the last time we fought because I didn't have the time to face him again. My visits to the underground had lessened because my step father had started becoming paranoid and kept me more locked up.

"I know that. So I did some recon and found out that Cade has been itching to win his pride back. Apparently he himself spread the rumor because he knows you won't accept the fight if he requests it."

"And if I refuse to fight he'll say I forfeited making him the champion and me a coward."

"Bingo!" he replied, snapping his fingers.

"Why is he so interested in a rematch so suddenly? It's been years since our last fight," I asked dumbfounded by Cade's actions

"With the news of an unknown enemy spreading like wild fire, several mafias are interested in hiring people. Either in their army or as personal assassins or bodyguards. Cade wants to get their attention by beating the reigning champion."

"What are we going to do? I don't want that psycho to win. But I don't know if I want to fight and get the attention on myself as well."

"I'm with whatever decision you make. But even if you decide to fight
there's nothing we can do. We're living in a highly protected mansion where there's a guard in literally every corner. So sneaking out is not an option without asking the guys. They do it all the time."

"And we can't ask them to help because they'll ask unnecessary questions."


"What if I know the way?"

"What are you talking about."

"I'll tell you if you promise not to get mad."

"Why would I get mad."

"Promise me first. Pinky swear it."

"Ugh fine! I pinky swear. Just frickin tell me already."

(10 minutes later in SpongeBob voice)


"You promised you wouldn't get mad," I interrupted before he could alert the whole house.

His lips pressed tightly together as he tried to hold in, what I'm sure were very colorful words. His face started to get red as he held his breath, probably because he was trying his best not to choke me to death.

"You done?"

He let out a long breath and said, "You're telling me you karate chopped me into a coma, which literally caused me to blackout and forget about the fact that I caught you trying to sneak out with Adrian and Ace." His voice got all squeaky as he said the last line.

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