"Oh I am aware," Quartermaster lifted his hook hand ontop of David's shoulder. "I have the pig's blood ready. You can count on me to perform your dark errand,"

"O-okay," David gave a weak smile

Quartermaster did the Camp Campbell salute before walking off. (Y/n)'s face remained put off as she watched him walk out. (Y/n) turned back to bed to see the two looking at her.

"Dark errand?" (Y/n) repeated

"What kind of creepy shit is that?" Gwen asked David as she sat up

"Oh, he always says about anything I ask him to do after 7," David pointed at the door with his thumb

"Don't you think QM was being a little bit too cooperative?" Gwen questioned

"It's almost as if he wanted you two out for tonight," (Y/n) agreed

"Don't be silly, girls," David closed his eyes, "Quartermaster is being a team player. Now let's enjoy the pot of chicken noodle soup he left for us,"

(Y/n) looked down at the yellow liquid in the pot as it stirred around two uncooked chickens. Gwen reached for her own bucket and hurled.

David turned himself back to (Y/n). She could still see the pain in his eyes, now being more puffy. She looked back over to Gwen who sat the bucket down, taking note of her dark circles.

"Can you handle this camp?" Gwen's voice laced with concern. "You're not used to the whole camp by yourself,"

(Y/n) shrugged, her awkward smile stayed glued on, "I mean I don't have much of a choice. Besides it's not that bad, I've handled these kids before."

"Yes, but this would be your first solo camp activity," Gwen wouldn't let go of the topic. "Maybe you should just stay here in camp,"

"No way!" (Y/n) turned around and grabbed her backpack, "like you said, it's my first solo camp activity with ALL the kids. How lame would it be looking at the stars down here compared to the top of the hill!"

"But (Y/n)-"

"Gwen!" (Y/n) turned back to see her, "It's gonna be ok! I got this,"

Gwen and David watched as (Y/n) packed a flashlight, first aid kit and her baseball bat. Neither decided to ask why she was bringing her bat.

They continue to watch as she rushed around to grab her signature blue hoodie. She slipped it overtop of her shirt before turning to see her shoes. She slipped on her new hiking boots and looked over at the two with a large smile.

"I think I'm ready!"


"The telescopes are outside next to the science camp," David spoke up, although his voice wasn't as preppy. "Be safe,"

"Thanks!" (Y/n) slipped on the backpack and rushed to the front door, "Love you both! I'll be back with the kids after the meteor shower!"

Gwen looked back at David, annoyance clear as day. His focus was on (Y/n) as she walked out. Gwen's gaze fell as she turned her body, facing the wall.


David layed in his bed, his eyes closed and his hair sticking to his forehead. He couldn't remember the last time he got a stomach bug this bad. Maybe when he was a child, but definitely not as an adult.

It was unusually quiet without (Y/n). It could also be them both not wanting to talk to each other. David frowned. He missed having Gwen as a close friend, now it felt like neither can speak to each other.

His stomach quenched again, but he didn't feel anything come out. He turned to his side, holding his stomach. All David could focus on was how hot everything around him felt.


He almost missed Gwen's voice. Her voice wasn't commanding or loud, but barely above a whisper. He almost missed it.

"...yeah?" He called out, his voice was low

Gwen's breathing could barely be heard above his. "David, please...don't hurt..."

David's eyes looked at the wall he was facing. His memory corkboard was up as he focus on the pictures he had.

"David, please don't hurt (Y/n),"

Gwen's voice of hurt could be heard, "I...I care about her. I care so much about you too. Your both my best friends, my only friends."

"Gwen?" He focused his attention onto the picture he had of the three of them, "Do you like (Y/n)?"

Gwen's eyes widen, she lifted a hand over her mouth as the realization hit.

"O-of course I do," Gwen's empty laugh could be heard, "She's my best friend, besides you!"

"That's not what I meant and you know that," David's voice now turned serious

Gwen's sigh could be heard. The two remained silent as he asked another question.

"Does she know?"

"God no!" Gwen slapped her forehead, "That woman is dense! She doesn't even realize when someone's interested in her! She didn't even realize she was interested in you!"

David let out a small snort. "Oh dense she is,"

The two remained silent for another moment.

"Has she told you why were taking things slow?" David didn't let Gwen answer, "She's wanting to put time in for Max. She also thought we were moving too fast. We haven't even gone on a date,"

David turned around and faces Gwen, "But I also think, deep down. She's also attracted to you, but she's not sure how to express those feelings."

"C'mon David," Gwen didn't turn around to see him, "Don't do that to me, that's cruel,"

"She's constantly talking about you. She's got girls night with you and she's messaging you all the time," David leaned against his pillow. "Honestly, I'm a little jealous on how close you two are,"

"You? Jealous of me?" Gwen now turned around, "Dude, she was pinning after you all summer! Do you have any idea how jealous she was of you dating Bonquisha? She refused to show it to you but who the hell did you think she was complaining to?"

"She was so worried about your nose when (S/n) hit you!" David argued back

"She was worried about YOUR NOSE when Buzz Aldrin punched you!"

Both stared at each other, before letting out a small laugh. Soon the laughter became louder.

"I can't believe it," Gwen closed her eyes, "It be our luck to fall for the same girl,"

David turned to the ceiling, "What do we do now?"

Gwen opened her eyes again, "Whatever she's comfortable with. I would never force her into anything,"

"Neither would I," David's voice fell. The two remained quiet before David spoke up again.

"Is it possible for the..." He turned to his friend. "...Three of us to work?"

"I'll be honest David, I wish you and I spoke about this when I wasn't feeling like puking my lungs out," Gwen's nausea slowly came back to her.

David nodded understanding, choosing to instead continuing the topic another time.

"I wonder how she's handling the camp," David wondered, turning himself to lay back down.

He cuddled his log while looking back at his friend. Gwen shrugged her arms the best of her ability, but it was only slightly raised.

"I'm sure she's got it under control," David turned back around and closed his eyes, bringing his log closer.

Gwen only rolled her eyes. Pulling out her phone and typed. In the group chat they had, Gwen typed.

You good?

(Y/n) is typing...


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2022 ⏰

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