Just a normal tea party

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"Hey Sophia-" I stop mid sentence as she stares at me, with her face bright red. She is mid-squat, and attempting to quietly grunt as she is, quite obviously, filling her diaper. Based on her embarrassed expression, I think she isn't exactly trying to fill her diaper in front of me, but it seems like it's a bit too late for her to hold it in. "Why do you look so embarrassed, I've seen you do this plenty of times." I simply reply. All she does is blush even more as her diaper continues sagging down lower.

You see, when Sofia found out about her little stomach issue, she kinda... stopped trying as hard to actually use the toilet. I think it's just a mental think, a sort of "If I can't use the toilet right, why even try?" mind state. However, I also definitely think that she uses them for convenience as well. I mean, who wouldn't want to have a bathroom strapped around their waist at all times? Well, not like I wanna wear a diaper... Although it does seem pretty convenient.... Alright, hold up, let's put the brakes on this whole thing. I know I can be a bit of an oddball, but I'm not like, 17 year old healthy girl who uses diapers kinda odd... I think. 

Okay, just thinking and lingering on the idea is only gonna make it seem more enticing, just change the topic. I see Sophia sigh, as she seems to have finished clearing out her bowels. "Hey, Sophia. You need a change?" I asked, decided to see if she is done. "Uhum... Could I pwease sit in it for just a widdle bit?" She babbled. She was perfectly capable of speaking like a kid her age, but when it was just me and her, she occasionally would babble like a baby a bit. "Ugg, you know it can give you a rash, Sophie." I said, not really wanting to get blamed for the fact she could end up with a rash. "I pwomise I'll tange myshelf before that..." she asked. "Alright, alright, fine. But if you end up with a rash, you're gonna tell mom and dad that you hid the fact you were messy!" I demanded. "Otay, otay! I know sissy!" She agreed. 

"Alright, I think you know I'm in charge of watching you by now... so, uh, what do we do now?" I asked, hoping she had a few activities in mind to keep herself fairly entertained. "Want to have a tea party?" She asked. Her "tea parties" usually consisted of baby formula being poured into plastic teacups for me and her, and me awkwardly drinking it down. It's not that the formula tastes bad or anything, it's just... kinda embarrassing to be a teen, nearly an adult, and yet I'm drinking baby formula out of a plastic teacup with my 5 year old sister. "Uhum, I guess we can..." I hesitantly agreed to her idea. "Yay! Thanks sissy!" She screamed all excitedly as she rushed to get her teapot with formula and her cups.

She quickly returned and poured us both a cup. She sits down and lands on her soiled diaper with a loud squeltch~ being heard in the room. She immediately picks up her teacup excitedly. While I am a bit hesitant to drink mine, she gulps hers down pretty quickly and heads for seconds. I slowly lift the cup up to my mouth and take a drink. It's sweet, and tastes really good as per usual. Ugh, I hate that one of my favorite drinks is baby formula, I'm almost a grown woman, I need to stop doing things like this, and thinking about diapers! "Want seconds sissy?" My sister asks. I haven't finished my.... I look down to see I've already finished my cup, and decide to nod my head for seconds anyways. She pours me another cup, which I happily gulp down. She quickly pours me a third, and stands up.

"Otay, I'll go change now, thanks for pwaying with me sissy!" She says, excitedly and runs into the bathroom. I sip on this cup a bit slower, simply trying to pass the time. I hear her changing herself, and once again, I'm left wondering about diapers. I mean, she finds them so comfortable that she enjoys sitting in one filled with her own feces, so they must not be bad... Ugh, Come on Olivia, stop thinking about this stuff, you're 17 damn it! Sophia quickly exits the bathroom and plops down next to me. "So, what now?" I ask, assuming she has another activity. I can tell she is already tired, so it probably won't be long before she passes out.

"Oh oh! I wanna watch a movie! Wanna watch a movie?" She asks, very excitedly. "Well, I'm  not exactly a fan of all those kiddie movies, but I think I'll make an exception!" I said. Truth be told, I love kids movies, but I don't think they're really for kids, I like to think of them as "for all audiences" movies. "Otay, but you can't take any potty breaks! You always make me have to paws the movie!" She complains. "Well, I can't exactly poop my pants like you, stinky! Besides, it's your choice to pause the movie!" I reply. "Well, I don't want you to miss it! I mean, you can potty your pants like I do, just use one of my diapees!" She suggests. "Sophia, mom wouldn't be very happy if I did that...." I said, trying to calm her down. Truth be told, I would love to try one on, but I can't, I'm 17! "Pwease pwease pwease! I won't tell, pwomise! If momma or daddy see you, I'll say I put it on you as a prank!" She screamed, apparently really desperate to get me diapered.

"Okay, okay, fine! I'll wear one, but if you tell our parents, I'm definitely spanking you!" I threaten. "Otay sissy, I know...." she said, buying my empty threat.

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