Chapter 7: Sanctuary

Start from the beginning

"Meowth, that's right." The third figure was just Zane wearing cat ears, and he looked exhausted/dead inside. "Wait, where's Othelia?"

"I'm sorry for being late!" Othelia was rushing towards everyone, out of breath and exhausted. "I had to wait with my mech for the garage to open, and apparently I'm one of the only vehicle users on campus."

"Vehicle user?"

"Basically a warrior class whose special weapon is a vehicle, like Othelia uses a mech, I know one of our classmates uses a ship because I rode with them here." Mifu explained, and Jack thanked her. "You really lost all your memories, haven't you?"

"Yeah, I have." Jack rubbed the back of his neck. If Jack was already having this much trouble with just general knowledge, then the official year is going to be much worse. "I hope I can keep up with everyone, if not, I don't know what I'll do."

"Don't worry, we'll back you up just enough so you can stay here, but also not enough to prevent you from embarrassing yourself." Rico began. "Besides, we all had this goal together, so we're seeing it through to the end together."

"My, now I feel like I'm intruding in this little friendship you people have going on." Mifu awkwardly scratched her cheek. "Shall I introduce myself or will you introduce me?"

"Oh right, this is Mifu, she is our friend now!" Alice gestured to Mifu whilst waving her hands to gesture to the swordswoman. "I expect you all to treat her with respect and dignity! Just because she joined the squad late, doesn't mean we should discriminate!"

"Mifu, run, this is your only chance to run away from Alice and live a normal life." Zane warned the samurai girl while clinging to her clothes. "Save yourself before it's too late."

"Oi, don't give her the wrong impression of me." Alice karate chopped Zane's head.

"It's true, you demon witch."

Othelia pulled Alice away from Zane while Jack pulled Zane away from Alice, noticing how light he was. Does Zane even eat? It was hard to tell because he always wore his jacket. Everyone then decided to go to where the ceremony was to begin. They kept on walking through the castle-like walls and followed the sound of people talking. Moments later, they all arrived at a large archway that led into some kind of square shaped courtyard. The ground there was made of cobblestone, and there were bushes lining the edges of the courtyard. Surrounding the courtyard were the walls of Sanctuary, and dead ahead of them was a stage. The courtyard itself was square, but it was large enough to fit a whale in, but right now it was fitting in dozens, if not hundreds of soon to be students. On the stage, there were a large variety of people. Though the three that got Jack's attention the most were a crocodile man, a steam-punk looking guy, and a blonde doctor. The crocodile man looked excited to teach while the steampunk man looked more interested in whatever device was in his hands. As for the doctor, she looked tired. Jack's focus then shifted on the two men that were at the microphone stand on the stage, the first one was a large man dawning all red and looking like he could kick anyone's ass with nothing but a flick. He wore a red leather trench coat with a tail, black pants and boots, blood red gloves that extended up his forearms, and a white dress shirt. Despite being elderly, this man was absolutely jacked and was rocking long, gray hair along with a beard.

"So that's Headmaster Herakles...?" Alice asked in a hushed tone before noticing the man beside Herakles. "Wait...Grandfather?!"

"Your grandfather is the Great Geppetto, the legendary Mystic Puppetmaster?" Mifu wondered out loud while pointing at Geppetto. "He's one of the strongest, is he not? Now I can see how you got in, Alice, Jack."

"I didn't even know he was that strong to be honest, I thought he was powerless." Alice bit her thumb in frustration. "I thought he just knew Herakles as an acquaintance, but if he's such a guy, why would he hide such an important fact from me?"

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