Abandoning - Stiles Stilinski

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Leaving your old pack was hard but being by yourself and becoming an omega was even worse. You'd been part of an abusive pack for years now and as soon as you heard of two betas leaving for a place called Beacon Hills you knew that it was time for you to leave your pack.
It was hard to find the perfect time to leave your pack. Your alphas were always watching you and most of the time you were healing from injuries that the two of them had caused you. Despite being a werewolf and having super-healing, injuries from an alpha (or two in your case) meant that the healing time was doubled.
When you were able to leave you made sure that you did it quickly. Getting to Beacon Hills was easy and you found an abandoned house under a train depot. You enrolled yourself in school, figuring that you might as well get some education crammed in while you were there.
What you didn't expect was to run into another alpha so soon. No one had said anything about a teenage alpha -in fact no one had said anything about there being an alpha in Beacon Hills. Then again you didn't hear much of what was going around because your alphas closed you off from the world.
On the eighth day of you being in Beacon Hills, a lanky boy followed by someone who smelt strongly off wolf ran into you. The wolf-smelling one helped you up while the lanky one apologized non-stop. Back home you would have felt threatened and vulnerable just by being pushed over.
"I-It's fine," You said when you senses caught up with you.
The wolf-smelling boy was an alpha.
"Can I talk to you for a second?" He asked his tone soft. "Alone?"
"Scott, you're not talking to her alone," The other one said.
The alpha rolled his eyes and walked into the boy's locker room, pulling you and the other boy in with you. It wasn't a strong pull, more of a careful nudge, but now you were starting to feel afraid. You felt like something bad was going to happen or that you would wolf-out right in front of them or worst yet, break down in a mass of tears that you couldn't control. The mass of tears came later. Scott, the alpha, told you that he'd known you'd fled from your pack. He said he'd heard through a friend of his -Derek -who you would meet eventually. Stiles told you that he wasn't anything special -just a guy who was friends with a bunch of werewolves. You didn't start crying until the Sheriff, who happened to be Stiles' father, brought you in for questioning.
Stiles told you that his dad knew about werewolves so you told him about the abusive alphas.
"I don't blame you for leaving," The Sheriff said to you.
Stiles perked up from beside you. "Can she stay with us, Dad?"
You could practically feel your eyes flash at that sentence. They screamed no. You didn't want to be a burden for someone else, much less the boy who you'd ran into in the school hall.
"Please?" Stiles added.
You took a deep breath and tried your best to remain calm. "I don't mean to sound rude but I don't want to burden you or your father, Stiles."
"You wouldn't be a burden, Y/N," Stiles said with a small smile before looking back at The Sheriff, waiting for an answer.
"Alright," The Sheriff breathed, "She can stay.
Stiles' face practically lit up and you could feel Scott's heart beating faster as he sat beside you.
"Are you sure?" You asked the three of them.
Stiles nodded while the Sheriff and Scott smiled.
"We're sure," Stiles smiled.

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