Healing - Scott Mccall

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The pack was always telling you that you shouldn't be fighting in battles. Despite the fact that you were a human and often seen as vulnerable during battles against werewolves, you did know how to use a set of knives quite well. After a lot of asking and non-stop training with the rest of the pack, they decided to let you fight with them rather than sitting on the sidelines and attending to anyone who got injured.
Your first battle was amazing. You walked out with a few scratches here and there but nothing serious. Needless to say, everyone was beyond impressed by your ability to keep fighting when all of the werewolves were down. Sure, you felt a little afraid when you saw your boyfriend, Scott, and Isaac and Derek go down but you had no choice other than to keep fighting. Later on you all went out and got pizza and it was the end to a great night (everyone fell asleep right after they finished eating).
The next couple of battles went well -you didn't die and everyone else had made it out alive. The pack no longer saw you as a liability and that made you happy. The last thing you wanted was to be seen as someone who couldn't defend themselves made you feel worse than ever. This time you needed stitches. You didn't trust Stiles to stitch up your wounds so as soon as the witches had been defeated, Scott rushed you off to see his mother. She stitched your arm up and told you that you were brave because you didn't cry as she was stitching.
You smiled and thanked her before leaving the hospital with Scott walking beside you. He tried to hold your hand but you told him that it affected how your stitches felt (and you were surprised when he didn't pick up on that lie) because you didn't want him to touch you and find out that you were in pain.
The ride back to Scott's house was quiet. You didn't have much to say because there was a constant pain shooting up through your arm whenever aftershocks weren't trembling through your bones.
"Y/N, are you sure everything's alright?" Scott asked, placing his hand over yours.
The two of you were sitting in his living room. It was dark outside and your eyes were growing tired. What you wanted was to sleep off your injuries, wake up tomorrow and go on with your day.
You instantly moved your hands away from his but it was too late.
Scott's eyes widened as he took in what he just saw. "You're in pain, aren't you?"
Sighing, you nodded your head and leaned back against the couch. "It's not that bad, Scott."
"Let me take some of it. Please?" Scott asked, his hand hovering over yours.
"Scott, I'll be fine. I just have to sleep it off," You told him.
"It'll be worse when you wake up. You can't heal like we can but the least I can do is take away some of the pain."
Your eyes were growing heavy and you could feel yourself falling asleep. "Okay."
Scott's lips formed a smile as he reached for your hand and twined his fingers with yours.

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