Chapter 36--Someone....

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Addy p.o.v.

I wake up once again beside my father but this time we're on the bed and we have a blanket draped over us. I yawn and try to sit up but find myself being pushed back down.

"No," My father says sleepily. "It's too early go back to sleep."

"But--" I start.

"No buts." He yawns and I sigh then let him flop his arm over my shoulders and pull me to his chest. I yawn again then breathe in super-fast to get my heartbeat up.

"Oh stop." My father says and covers my mouth. I smile and he rests his chin on my head. "Now, go back to sleep and don't try to wake me or yourself up. And I will know if you wake up."

"I want water." I say.

"You can get it after you sleep." He tells me and I let out a breath.

"But I'm thirsty now." I complain and he grumbles something then let's go of me.

"Stay here and don't move." He says and then walks towards the stairs. The moment he's gone I sit up and rub my eyes, looking around, A fire a way away and I shake my head and lay back down, waiting. 

"You weren't planning to go anywhere, were you?" A voice asks and I jump slightly as I turn towards my father.

"I'm still in the bed." I object but he shoves the water at my face, and I take it then hold it to my chest and look at my reflection shaking the cup slightly.

"If that's all you wanted the water for then give it back." He says dully and I drink the water hurriedly wiping it from my mouth then setting it on the ground as my father gets in beside me and I turn towards him as he pulls me closer to him. I smile then let him run his fingers through my hair as he pulls the covers over me again. 

"Now stop asking for things." He says even more sleepily. I trace his markings with my eyes, and I sigh then close my eyes.

Ingressus p.o.v.

She's safe. I tell myself as I lay beside my daughter. nothing bad will happen to her as long as I am here. I stroke her hair again and she snuggles closer to me. I exhale a panicked breath that was getting caught up in my throat and smile she's just fine, nothing bad will happen to her like it did Sanari... nothing.

"You're not fast enough!" Addy yells towards me and stops as I keep walking towards her. I roll my eyes with a smile, and she waits for me to catch up.

"I don't want to run to you can wait, besides you don't even know where we're going." I tell her and she runs in circles around me then activates her Mobilium song, Mobliwings and flies in front of me. 

"That's because you won't tell me." She complains> 

"It--" I start pointing at her.

"Wouldn't be a surprise if you did, but it's always a surprise." She says as she deactivates her wings and stumbles a bit before rushing to keep up with me. I chuckle then stop and hold out my hand in front of Addy who stops as well.

"What--what is it?" She asks and I make a 'sh' motion and her eyes widen with fear. She inches behind me, and I feel a stab of pain at seeing her so scared. This is why I hate the other clans; they've done too much to my family. I hear voices and then pull out two cloaks handing one to Addy and pulling her into the shadows then pulling the hood over my head and making sure that Addy has done the same. I reach for my sword as footsteps approach along with the voices and yellow, blue, and pink markings appear. They seem to be dragging something behind them which I now realize is a body.

"Why did we kill her, she could have been useful!" One of the Ardoni, a male Mendoris demands and the rest stop. I can see about ten in total and grip the handle of my sword.

"She was a Voltaris and if she caught, she might report this to the Deathsinger and we'd be dead in a heartbeat." The Sendaris says in a light and high-pitched female voice. So, she was a Voltaris. I think angrily and Addy shudders then flinches. I grab Addy's arm gently as they toss the body in the nearby wooded area. I'll find out who she was later. 

"Let's just go, we need to feed the prisoners--" A Nestoris says but the same Mendoris from earlier interupts him.

"She could have been a prisoner to! She probably had loads of information in her!" He points out.

"Then feel free to go demand information from her dead body, please be my guest." A female Kaltaris says venomously. 

"She was old and would have died anyway." A male Mendoris says and the rest other than the other Mendoris nod in agreement.

"I'm just saying she could have been..." 

Their voices fade away from earshot and we go back out into the open.

"Father, who do you think it was?" Addy asks and I turn towards her as she looks towards the bushes. 

"I guess we're about to find out." I tell her and we walk forward towards the bushes.

"Wait right here, I need to check and see who she is." I say and Addy does so standing a bit to the side as I walk towards where they threw the body. I kneel down beside it and turn it over inspecting her then my eyes widen, and I stand up yanking out my sword and igniting it with flames.

"Who was it?" Addy asks nervously. I turn towards her with my eyes blazing.

"I'll murder them for that." I snarl and she shirks away slightly then glances at the body and her eyes widen then she drops down to her knees.

"Vena!" She sobs.

Addy The Deathsinger's Daughter(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now