Chapter 13--unusual past

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I wake up in the bed suggled up to Ingressus which I don't mind. I glance up to see him reading a book and running his fingers through my hair. I relax slightly and close my eyes once more waiting to fall asleep again.

Ingressus pov.

She's not dead. I have to assure myself each time I look down, I just never sleep that long and it's weird to me when others do. I glance back down from reading my book and watch her carefully to see if she's awake. I sigh and then set the book down and try to fall asleep for once.

"Come on Sanari!" I call back to my mate who runs after me avoiding all of the rocks around us. She trips and I run over, catching her before she falls. 

"Thanks, Ingressus." She says as she gets back up. "But may I ask where we're going?"

"It wouldn't be a suprise if I told you." I snort and she glances around once before I grab her arm and start running again. We eventually reach the edge of the cliff, and we stop. Sanari looks at me curiously and I start climbing up and tree reaching a good branch and walking forward on it slightly before sitting down. Sanari climbs up after me and walks over sitting down as well. I grab her hand and squeeze it tightly, pulling her closer to me. She leans her head on my shoulder.

"Someday...." I say and she lets out a small, comforted sigh. "Our clan will be able to be like the rest, everything will be ok. I'll make sure of it."

Sanari nods and I smile.

"The clan will be safe, and you'll be safe, nothing bad will ever happen to you." I assure her and she smiles.

"I hope......" She says. 

I snap out of my dream to see Addy over by the window again, l looking out. I get up out of the bed and walk over to the window as well, startling her at first. 

"I'm getting you more medicine." I tell her and she frowns.

"But I had enough." SHe complains.

"This will make it so you can walk around now lay back down." I say and she goes back over to her bed, sitting down and watching me go. 

Addy The Deathsinger's Daughter(DISCONTINUED)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum