Chapter 8--Last time

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Addy Pov.

I open my eyes to find that I'm on my bed and the wound on the back of my neck has been healed. I turn over and feel my hair. I haven't taken the string out or ruined the hairstyle since I got here and I don't plan to, I keep my hair like this for a reason.

"Come here dear." I say gesturing for Addy to come over to me. She walks over and sits in front of me with her legs crossed. I grab her and set her in-between my crossed legs, brushing her hair with my fingers lightly. I take my red-orange ribbon out of my hair then pull a few strands of her hair back tying it neatly into a bow with her hair still hanging down her back. She looks back at me curiously her red-pink eyes sparkling with cheerfulness. 

"If you ever want to remember me after I'm gone just put your hair like this." I tell her and she snuggles up closer to me.

"Y-you aren't going to die." Addy sniffles and I rub her hair with a sad smile. She has a lot to learn about the Voltaris... her clan. I won't tell her yet; she has to find out once I'm gone. I hug her tightly.

"I won't die after you," I say, and Addy looks up at me.

"Why?" Addy asks. She knows about how old age kills people off, but she also knows about the animals that live here, there's a full chance of her dying before me, but there isn't I won't let there be.

"Oh, Addy." I say and allow myself a happy smile as we watch the sunset. "Everything loves something, just like you love me.... I love you. Anything's biggest fear should be a mother protecting her child. Mother's will stop at nothing to keep their child safe.... it's just in their nature. Don't you ever wonder why I tell you not to go near wild bears?"

The small female Voltaris in my arms nods slightly listening intently.

"I-Is it because the m-mother loves them so much?" Addy asks and I smile squeezing her tighter.

"Yep. just like I love you no matter how late you stay up at night! You little night owl!" I say tickling her and causing her to burst out laughing. "I promise no harm will ever come to you.

Ingressus pov. that was Sanari's pov. Most of Addy's dreams will be. 

I make my way to Addy's 'prison' it's not exactly the most comfortable thing, but it's still ok which is why I plainly call it a 'prison.' I walk up to her door and pull out Voltar before opening it. I see her over in a corner now with her hands touching her hair lightly. Once she sees me, she shirks away as far as she can whimpering. I start to feel regret in injuring her and walk up to her slowly. She whimpers then squeezes her eyes shut. I pull out a red ribbon and hand it to her.

"I'm tired of seeing you wear that dirty string that you found on the floor." I snarl still trying to sound intimidating. She opens her eyes slowly then sees what I'm holding out. She takes it slowly and our hands brush for a moment. Hers are soft but still hard in some spots where I may have injured her. I'm not used to it, and I shudder. I remember Sanari again and shake my head getting the memory out. I watch as Addy reaches up and unties her hair, letting it fall on her shoulders and over her right eye slightly. She then her front hair back and ties it with the ribbon I gave her. 

"Is there something special about that hairstyle?" I ask once she finished, and she looks a bit shocked for a moment and adverts my gaze. "That was a question." I snarl and she flinches so hard that she nearly falls over. 

"M-my mother s-said to wear it I-if I ever wanted to remember h-her." She stammers, her voice barley a whisper and I gaze down at her.

"What was her name?" I ask and Addy senses yet again that I want an honest answer.

"Katriana." She says but I know that she's lying, she said it too fast, and her eyes are wide with fear. I decide not to question her now and instead I leave sweeping out of the door without another word.

Addy The Deathsinger's Daughter(DISCONTINUED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें