Chapter 30--Crown Peak Part 2

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I walk over to Tygren who was waiting a ways away after I had clipped the hairclip in my hair on the part that didn't hang in my eye slightly.

"Where'd you get the hairclip?" Tygren asks once I reach him. I look down a bit sadly. "No, you're cute-- I mean it's cute not you're cute! But you are cute--"

I laugh happily and he blushes with embarrassment.

"Let's go before my father questions why we were gone so long." I say and link my arm in his leading him back to the stairs where my father was waiting.

"What's with the hairclip?" he asks but seems to think I look good with it. "I don't think you had it before."

"That kid gave it to me." I say and he nods. 

"I hope he wasn't too scared when I killed that worker." He says. 

"I hope so to, he didn't mention it." I say partly lying about him not mentioning it. That was like all he mentioned. 

"Well good, come along we must get to the Prime Song before Achellian does." He says and turns. I follow him and he lets the rest of the Voltaris walk ahead as I look down. 

"Is something troubling you?" He asks and I shake my head managing a smile.

"No, I'm fine." I say and he places a hand on me shoulder.

"You can tell me... I want to know. I won't judge you for it." He says and I sigh then lean my head on his shoulder.

"I know..." I say. "But it is nothing."

he sighs.

"I want you to tell me but I won't push you." He sighs and I walk forward along with him.

"I think I'm just sad is all." I admit. 

"Why is that?" He asks, worried.

"I just miss mother..." I say and look the other way.

"Well, I do have a few stories that might cheer you up." he says and smiles lightly.

"What are they?" I ask and he senses that I want him to go on.

"When you were little, you were the cutest thing ever..." I says and chuckles. 

"Are you joking?" I demand playfully.

"No! You were cute you were just.... very demanding..." He says and looks up with a curious and playful expression. "It was before you could talk and whoever had the misfortune of holding you at the moment would get their horns grabbed and you would stare at them until they figured out what you wanted.... you didn't cry or even struggle until you were older. When you were little, you always wanted to be picked up but there came a time when we had to fight you to even grab your arm and you would actually scream."

I laugh lightly and he smiles.

"And there was also this time when me and your mother were playing around up in a tree, and you were playing in the leaves under the tree. You couldn't walk very well but you were learning so me and your mother didn't think you'd be going anywhere... We were wrong... very wrong. When we climbed down from the tree you were gone, and we couldn't find you for an hour. I can't even describe how panicked your mother was."

"And you weren't panicked?" I ask.

"Oh, I was more panicked than she was." he says plainly, and I burst out laughing. Trying to imagine him being panicked was a little too hard for me as he was always clam or angry or playful never panicked. He laughs a bit to. "We eventually managed to find you but that was the scariest moment of my life."

He grips my hand and squeezes it while I smile and lean my head on his shoulder as we reach the top. My father gestures to Lucidious and I don't know what he means before Lucidious suddenly kicks down the door.

"Circle around the house in case he tries to escape and me and Addy will go in." He tells them and they nod then circle around the house while me and my father go in so see a old male human staring at us with wide eyes as my father slowly walks down the stairs. He reaches towards his crossbow, but Ingressus fires his Aggresium song and knocks it off of the wall then pulls down his hood and shows his face before pulling off his cloak completely. I don't dare to pull my cloak down as Ingressus advances towards the human.

"Y-you're the Deathsinger." He stammers.

"Indeed, and I think you know what I want and what I will do if you don't give it to me?" He asks and the human backs up as Ingressus stops in front of him.

"I want the Mobilium Prime, now give it to me or pay the consequences." He hisses. The human nods then gestures for Ingressus to follow him and Ingressus does so as the human has no defenses. I follow them and we walk into a room with a bunch of potions. I look around as the human walks over to a chest in the middle of the room and pulls out the glowing yellow cube. He hands it shakily to my father who lowers his sword and admires it. 

"No harm will come to you for this." He says when suddenly there is a knock and I jump mid-reach towards a purple potion. I quickly grab it and stuff it in my cloak pocket as my father glances back and the human goes and grabs his crossbow loading it and stepping out.

"Who are you three and what are you doing in my house?" His voice calls. I peek around and then hear the voice of the Ardoni--Senn.

"My name is Senn I'm a friend of Thalleous Sendaris, I was here many months ago when he gave you a Prime Song?"

"Right... I remember that now..." The human says and lowers his crossbow slightly.

"Thalleous gave you the Prime Song to keep it out of the hands of another--" The Tidesinger's voice starts.

"We need it back." Ria's voice cuts in.

"Well, you're too late for that...." The human says guiltily and my father steps out a little bit behind the human, holding the Prime Song.

"I have already found the Prime Song." He smirks and I look around the potion room again before grabbing a few more. He won't notice and Vena needs more potions for healing. I walk out a bit beside my father still slightly hidden. He smiles sinisterly and then squeezes my hand. 

"Ingressus..." The Tidesinger gasps. Ria's mouth hangs open in shock and Senn backs away slightly without arming himself.

"Achellian... I thought you would have learned by now; you can never reach anything before I do." He smirks and the Tidesinger grits his teeth slightly. 

"We still have one Prime Song... it may be less than you, but it is enough." He says and Ingressus tilts his head in amusment.

"Is that really what you think?" he asks.

Big fight scene and blah blah blah I was a little to lazy so just imagine that same scene just without Abbi to save them.

Ingressus knocks the Tidesinger down and kicks his staff away.

"I told you that you couldn't defeat me..." He says and Senn stumbles back gasping for air as I arm myself again. The Tidesinger lifts himself up slightly and the rest of the Voltaris that were circled around the house come towards us. "I could kill you...." He says and Ria reaches for Senn's hand gripping it then whispering something to him. I get closer to them and sheath my weapons and they arm themselves again.

"You can't save the Tidesinger." I whisper glancing back to make sure my father is distracted with Achellian. "But you can save yourselves. Go now, while you still can!"

"Why are you helping us?" Ria asks lowering her spear.

"I can't stand seeing more people die. He won't kill the Tidesinger now but he will kill you two because you are of no use to him. There is a door on the other end of the house in the potion room. Go through it and run as fast as you can." I say and point to the potion room. "And try to avoid that human as much as you can."

"Thank you." Ria says then they run off.

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