Chapter 23--The Vault

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I cover my nose with my hand trying to preserve my own warmth, but it isn't working that well. I glance over at my father who is crouching beside me as we watch the still area around us. I have only ever heard things about the Vault and what resided in it, but I had never beheld it with my own eyes. it's much prettier than I expected but from my experience I think we're going to burn it down. 

"Are you ok?" Tygren asks walking up beside me and I stand all the way up along with Ingressus.

"Watch her, we are not ready yet." Ingressus says and walks back to the rest of the Voltaris going over to a female and walking away with her, clearly discussing something important. Tygren loops his arm around my shoulder slightly. 

"So," he says. "What are you going to do once we get in there?"

"Whatever my father tells me to do, which will probably be 'sit still and don't do anything that will get you hurt'." I say and Tygren chuckles lightly. 

"He might but he and I will protect you at all costs." He says and I nod.

"Thanks." I say.

"Alright everyone get ready outskirt teams you know what to do, attack the outside and take out the guards around the area. The rest of you surround the perimeter and come out if anyone tries to stop us." Ingressus' sudden voice commands and I jump slightly. Tygren slips his hand off of my shoulder and bows to his master who nods to him then take my hand and we start walking towards the vault. Tygren jumps forward and kills the guards before they can even pull out their weapons. Ingressus lets go of my hand down to pull out his weapons. He charges forward and kills several more guards before they can get to us. I wander over to the side once we get in and then see several guards charging at me. Ingressus jumps in front of me and kills them as well tossing their bodies aside and I notice he still hasn't washed the blood off of his hands and I know that it's not the guards' blood because it's tinted green. He then runs down the stairs without a second thought and comes back up, holding a glowing green cube. I am once again mesmerized by its beauty and can't take my eyes away. It's not as beautiful as the Aggresium Prime or as alluring but it's still beautiful. Ingressus pockets the Prime song, and we walk back along the bridge and Ingressus suddenly stops along with Tygren. I try to see what's happening and see the Female Sendaris from a bit ago standing there with her newly mended spear in hand. She moves into a defensive position, and I see my father eye her, glaring slightly.

"Move aside girl!" Tygren shouts at her, I glance over at Ingressus who is still glaring at her.

"You will pay for what you've done!" She announces and instead takes another step forward. My father steps forward as well in front of both me and Tygren.

"Step aside or I will not hesitate to end your life as I did your ancestors." he shouts and the Sendaris faulters a bit before standing strong and staying in her defensive stance. "So be it." He snarls and Tygren fires his Aggresium song, Aggrosphere at her and she takes a small step back before covering her eyes and preparing for her death. Suddenly a large shield appears around her with an Ardoni holding a familiar sword beside her. I duck behind Tygren and both my father and Tygren notice this. Tygren reaches back and squeezes my hand lightly.

"You." My father's voice is like venom and his eyes narrow at the sight of the clanless boy. "I warned you last time...."

"Senn....?" The Sendaris asks the petrified Ardoni.

"You were right there, weren't you?" He asks. "You heard what he told me."

"I said I would kill you if I saw you again!" My father calls stepping forward slightly and showing his bloodstained sword.

"You were the one that attacked Kaltaria!" The Sendaris realizes her face fuming.

"Ria." Senn hisses, trying to hush the female.

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