Chapter 10--soft sides

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Addy Pov.

I start to feel warmer as Ingressus pulls me tighter, reducing any movement from me. He's mad but I like how warm he is, it makes me feel safe. His markings make me feel safe despite his name.... 'Deathsinger' I snuggle closer to him much to his surprise as he slows down a bit before continuing to walk again. I can feel his heartbeat, it's calm and settled but a steady rhythm that makes it possible for me to calm down. I feel him cover my scratch wound, pressing on it to prevent more blood from coming out. I close my eyes ignoring the pain then the next moment I'm sleeping. 

A few hours later....

"Will she be ok?" A male voice asks--Ingressus he doesn't sound too worried but still worried.

"She should be.... her markings aren't flashing anymore.... poor thing." I hear a female say, Vena. My heart jumps at the sound of her soft and comforting voice. 

"I need a confirmed answer, will she be ok or not?" Ingressus demands and I hear Vena flinch. 

"I couldn't heal her all of the way.... so, she can't walk." Vena says nervously.

"Will she be able to at some point?" Ingressus asks.

"Yes." Vena confirms. "Oh, she's waking up."

I sit up slowly and flinch, my waist is tightly wrapped in bandages. I clutch my side and Ingressus walks up beside me touching where the wound is.

"Does it hurt?" He asks and I nod on the verge of tears. He pulls away slowly and then glances back at Vena. "I'll just be taking her back to my room, is there anything else I can do to fix it?"

"No, she has to heal on her own, I'm afraid my Protisium song shattered because of how deep the wound was." Vena says and Ingressus picks me up carefully and I feel a bit more comfortable. Without another word Ingressus sweeps out of the tent. The sudden cold hits me like a gush of cold water and I shiver. Ingressus hugs me closer and his warmth rushes through me. 

"Don't get yourself injured again." He growls and I nod. To my surprise he walks into my room first and sets me down on the bed going over to a chest in the corner and pulling out a small knife. He tucks it away then puts out the fire. He then walks over and picks me up then takes the blanket and wraps it around me holding me bridle-style before walking out of the door. I bury my nose in the warm blanket and Ingressus smiles slightly before making his way across the camp, passing through tents to the other side. We reach the other end of the camp where another cave is dug out. Ingressus walks in then walks up the spiral staircase avoiding the room that he used to question me in. I shudder and he flinches slightly. We go into the room, and he sets me on a couch before walking over and laying his weapons on the wall. He then walks over to a nearby table then walks back over and hands me a plate of food. I take it gingery, and he gazes at me for a while.

"I'll be right back and try to contain yourself while I'm gone." He says then walks down the stairs. I snuggle up on the couch with the blanket wrapped around me. I grab a small water cup that he gave me and gaze into it. My blue markings make it shimmer and I once again see my reflection dimly. Ingressus walks back in with a cup.

"What did you put in that?" I demand suspiciously and Ingressus rolls his eyes.

"Something to get you to heal faster." He says and sets down the cup beside me. "Drink it."

I don't feel like arguing with him and there's a fair chance that he'll hurt me again. I slowly take it and start drinking it while he watches me. 

"Do you mind?" I demand and he shakes his head.

"How am I going to know that you're drinking it if I don't watch you?" He asks and I give him an offended look.

"Just assume that I am! I'm not going anywhere." I say and he turns away walking over to his map. I finish drinking the water then start to feel funny.

"Did you poison me?" I demand but he doesn't look up from his map.

"No, why would you think I poisoned you?" He asks.

"Well, the water tasted funny and...." I start but then my vision grows fuzzy, and I tighten my grip on the glass, determined not to pass out again. But despite my efforts I collapse to the floor.

Ingressus pov.

I hear a thump and the sound of glass shattering and whip around to see Addy on the floor. I run over to her and lift her head off the floor.

"Addy?" I shout but she doesn't respond. Her hands are bleeding from the glass and the blood drips on the floor. I cup her hand in mine before picking her up. I carry her over to the bed and set her on it. It's big enough that she won't fall off, so I decide it's good enough. I walk over to my chest and pull out a long cloth ripping it in the middle to make enough for both of her hands. I walk over and crouch down beside her taking her hand in my own and starting to wrap it up. I let her lay back down then sit at the end of the bed near her. She starts shaking and I reach over rubbing her back and scootching closer to her. She keeps shivering and looks uncomfortable, so I move her head to my stomach laying down and running my fingers through her hair. She is still shaking so I start humming like I would Sanari when she would have bad dreams. Addy stops shaking and I smile worriedly. I whisper words to her quietly.

"You'll be ok, I promise."


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