Chapter 18--Discovered

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Addy pov. 

I rush out of the entrance to the tower throwing my blanket back inside and darting away. Ingressus chases after me and follows me out of Hailstone. I run down the steps and into the snow sitting down as he catches up to me.

"You run fast." He comments and I look up at him and nod. "What are you doing?"

"Playing in the snow." I say and he raises his eyebrow at me. "I bet you don't even know what you can do with snow."

"You really want to bet that?" He asks and reaches down slowly towards the snow, and I nod. 

"With my life." I say confidently. 

"Really? How.... Interesting!" he shouts and throws a snowball at me. I squeak and dodge to the side running off laughing. Ingressus runs after me and keeps throwing snowballs.

"You don't even fight back!" he muses. "If you're in a real fight you can't just run away! Come fight me correctly!"

I stop near a hut to get shelter from the snowballs that he might try to throw, and he slows down to a walk still heading towards me. I make a few snowballs throwing them all at him and hitting him in the chest. He throws more snowballs back then uses Mobliport to teleport over to me and grabs me from behind, pinning my arms at my sides. I put my full weight on his arms pulling him into the snow along with me at the unexpected weight. Ingressus sits up first and leans back into a snow-covered rock. 

"I-did not-know-you could be-that heavy." He pants, clutching his chest for air. "Whenever I carry you, you're like a bag of wheat and that's it."

I sit up and grin at his comment. 

"I never put my full weight on you." I say. "I never tried until now." 

He frowns slightly then gives me a childish grin before bursting out laughing and moving away from the rock to fall into the snow. I watch as he falls back and puts his hand on his forehead. The marks of Voltar and his broadsword indent the snow and I flop down beside him letting him loop his arm around my shoulders. The snow from the small snowstorm around us tickles my nose but I know it won't get much worse for a bit.

"Now I get your life." My father says then hugs me from behind pinning my arms once again at my sides holding me in place.

"NOOOOO!" I cry trying to twist out of his grip, but I can't.

"Stop trying to get away." He laughs and i continue to wriggle like a worm, but he still manages to hold me. "You said you bet on your life." He reminds me and I moan in defeat finally ceasing my struggles. He doesn't let go and instead rests his chin on the top of my head.

"I like this game." Ingressus says and smiles. He tightens his grip on me and I rest my chin on his arms with a dull expression. I can't help but smile and grab some snow that I can reach.

"Oh no you don't." Ingressus says holding me tighter and looping his leg over my legs and the hand that is holding the snow. I sigh in defeat and bury my face in the snow. It's cold but I refuse to take it out. I hear my father laugh and loosen his grip slightly. I try to get away again and he squeezes me tighter. "No." He says playfully.

"Awww!" I sigh. "Please?"

"No." he says again and starts tickling me. I start laughing and manage to push his hand away only for him to try again. He laughs when I roll around dodging when he tries to tickle me. He moves his fingers down the center of the back of my head causing me to shiver at the icy wave that suddenly shot down my spine. "Alright now I'll let you go."

He sits up and stands all the way up helping me up and grinning at me. I walk into him and hug him feeling him hug me back. We let go of each other and Ingressus glances over then narrows his eyes. His eyes widen and he backs up slightly. Then I see them. Light blue, white, and yellow markings in the snow. I can make out the one with white markings eyes widen at the sight of us. Ingressus backs up further as the storm around us gets a little worse. And now I know... someone saw us.

 someone saw us

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Senn pov. yes Senn. 

A few minutes ago....

As we trek through the snow I look back and then over, I stop at the sight of what seems like red markings that quickly disappear soon after I see them. I peer closer trying to figure out what it was that I saw. Hubris stops with Ria beside him covering her eyes to keep snow from blowing in them.

"What is it, Senn?!" Ria shouts over the wind. I glance back at her with a calm expression.

"Nothing I just thought I saw something." I say and she nods. Hubris walks up beside me and sheilds his eyes, but he can still look at me. Grek pushes him aside and pats my shoulder.

"Come on kid, we're so close." Grek says. "The Aggresium Prime is just ahead."

I nod, the map said that Northwind was where Thalleous had hidden the Aggresium Prime Song. I draw my sword and keep going. Onyx knocks down a spike of ice for the satisfaction and we all glance back at him wearily as he looks over.

"What is that?" He asks and we all turn. I look over and activate my shield song to get a closer look at what he's pointing at. We all stop at the sight before us. A way away there are two figures but one of them definitely has the Deathsinger's markings and he also has what can't be anything other than Voltar and his broadsword holstered to his back. I look at the other one, a much younger Ardoni that has very similar markings to him almost identical other than a few slight changes around her chest and legs, I peer closer confirming that it's a female, her hair blows in the wind and the male grips her hand watching us then in an instant they're gone.

"Was that the Deathsinger?" Hubris wonders once the two figures disappear.

"Yes." Ria says stepping forward and drawing her spear.

"So, who was the other Ardoni? it couldn't have been a reflection of him, for one she was female and another they had very similar but not identical markings to him." I say and Grek starts walking again as we ponder who the two figures are.

"Yeah, it's not like the Deathsinger has a daughter." he laughs, and we all stop at the thought and Grek turns towards us with a confused expression as Ria drops her spear and I nearly deactivate the shield that's protecting all of us. "That was a joke."

"But what if he actually does have a daughter?" Ria questions and we all ponder it further.

"If that was really him and he has a daughter.... he'll think that she's in danger and we better prepare for a fight." I say. "Because if he thinks she's in danger we need to be ready for anything."

Addy The Deathsinger's Daughter(DISCONTINUED)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu