Chapter 32-- A kidnapping.

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Elaina POV.

A few hours ago....

I set down my book as I see Addy hug her father then leave with Lucidious. I don't know what she's doing but I'd like to find out. I'm sure that at some point she'll sneak away from Lucidious and run off to find me or go into the woods to talk with Elise. However, I am in no way jealous that my friend picks more than one bestie. I walk out of my room and head downstairs. I need to cool off a bit. Sitting next to that fire wore me out. I walk outside and head towards the woods walking in a bit then hearing voices. I whip around then something flings over my head, and I can't see.

"Why are we taking her." A rough voice asks. "Why not take the Deathsinger's daughter?"

"Who cares who we take as long as we have someone?!" Another voice demands, female and light but squeaky. 

"We already have the other--" I hear a slap and I can tell that the female slapped the male across the face.

"We mustn't talk about that in front of our new prisoner." She hisses. 

"Let go of me." I grunt as I struggle. "My clan will come for me."

"Oh, boo hoo." I hear a voice say and the female laughs.

"No, they won't you're no one important knock her out again." She says then something clogs me on the back of the head, and I black out.

I wake up to find that I'm being dragged through an underground tunell and that the people who caught me are two Ardoni. The female a Nestoris the male a Mendoris. I look around before I'm tossed rather forcefully into a cell. I sit up and brush the dirt out of my eyes.

"Oh my gosh, are you ok?" A voice cries and I feel cold hands touch my skin. I open my eyes and see a female Voltaris about my father or Ingressus' age just about a year younger in front of me. Her eyes hold worry and her brown hair is damp with sweat and what I now notice as blood. I look at her again and see that she has freakles much like Addy then I look at her markings. My eyes widen as I look up at her once again.


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