LA (Part 2)

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LA (Part 2)

Kai's POV

  Addison's working an overnight shift so she won't be back until at least 7:30 this morning. It's currently about 1 am. I'm just scrolling through TV channels to find something halfway decent to drift off to sleep to when all of the sudden, there's a loud knock on the door. I raise an eyebrow skeptically but get up to answer the door. When I open it, my heart stops due to shock. Amelia is standing right before my very eyes. I blink a couple of times just to ensure that I'm not dreaming, but I'm not. Amelia really is standing in front of me. 

    I feel elated and I scoop her up into my arms, giving her a crushing hug. "Amelia! What are you doing here?" She grins down at me. "Surprise, I've been missing you and wanted to see you while you were on your business trip. Also, I haven't seen Addie in awhile and figured that having the next two days off from work, I would take advantage of that and spend time with both of you. I don't get to come down to LA often and this was the perfect excuse to do so. How are you Kai? How is your business trip?" I give her a soft smile. "I'm doing pretty good. My business trip hasn't been super eventful, but I was hoping to do some sight seeing tomorrow. With you here, I officially have the proper motivation to do so. Addison is super chill by the way. I couldn't ask for a better person to host me while I'm in town for work. Thank you again for arranging this stay for me Amelia." 

        Amelia beams at me adorably. "I agree, Addie is the best. You're welcome babe. Knowing you've been in safe hands with Addie has put me at ease while you've been away thus far. By the way, I would LOVE to go sight seeing with you tomorrow. If Addie feels up to it, she can come along. If not, we'll have some quality alone time in one of the most magical cities in the world." I smirk at her. "You have an aura about you that's so special Amelia. I know that I'm repeating myself, but your enthusiasm is contagious. Before I met you, I didn't want to experience the amount of new things that you've opened my eyes to. I think it goes without saying that I want a future with you more than anything. I love you."  

        I lean down and cup Amelia's face gently. Her face gravitates towards mine and we share a gentle kiss on the lips. Well, it starts off gentle but becomes rough. The next thing I know, all of our clothes are coming off and I'm pushed down onto my king bed in the guest bedroom. Amelia Shepard is ready to pounce on me like a panther and I'm all for it. Hell, I'm wet in my private parts just at the mere thought of us making love to each other. We wind up having sex for forty five minutes before both of our sexual stamina wears out and we collapse onto each other. Sex with Amelia is the best sex I've ever experienced. Amelia knows just how to please me, hitting the mark when it comes to my spots every time. 

        The two of us are extremely sweaty and out of breath, but we're both feeling bliss. After being apart from someone you love and then reuniting with them unexpectedly, it just enhances the passion even more. We then cuddle for a little while before falling asleep, Amelia first snoring adorably followed by me soon after. I stroke my fingers through Amelia's hair as sleep finally does overcome me. I know that Amelia is exhausted from her long journey here so I don't dare wake her up early to do anything. I let my Sleeping Beauty sleep in and get all of the rest that she deserves. I return the element of surprise by making breakfast in bed for both Addison and Amelia. Addison is very appreciative of my buttermilk pancakes, bacon slices, scrambled eggs, and orange juice. 

         I wait until she goes in her room before making a breakfast platter for Amelia. I want Addison to be surprised by Amelia's presence when she wakes up. I've never been the most fond of surprises but since having met Amelia, that has also changed for me. This woman just has a hold on me that I can't seem to break no matter how hard I try. I don't want to be free of her, ever. With each business trip I have to go on and vice versa, it's becoming increasingly difficult to be away from one another. Amelia clearly feels that way given her actions by flying down to LA from Seattle for such a short amount of time. That woman, she has my heart in her hands.  

Kaimelia One Shots (Kai x Amelia) (Grey's Anatomy Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now