Tumor On The Wall

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Tumor On The Wall

Amelia's POV

  Meredith is throwing one of her signature dinner parties tonight in order for all of us to get to know Nick and welcome him to the dysfunctional Grey Sloan family. Despite enjoying myself, I needed a moment of quiet so I slipped upstairs and somehow found my way up to Meredith's bedroom, where the tumor wall is still in mint condition. Looking at this wall of a giant tumor oddly comforts me because it reminds me of Derek. When I'm in this room looking at this giant tumor, I still feel as though a piece of my brother is with me in the moment. 

   I touch the intricate details of the drawing when suddenly someone is next to me doing the same. I jump a bit but relax when I realize that it's just Kai. They smirk at me. "Hi Amelia, I promise I don't bite... well unless you want me to." I blush and lean into them. "You sure have a way with words Kai. I just needed to take a break from the party for a few minutes. I like to balance out loud noise with quiet. Are you enjoying yourself? I know this party is being held primarily to get to know Nick, but everyone seems to be fascinated by you also. I'm not surprised though, you're pretty incredible."

      Kai strokes my cheek gently. "Thank you love. I'm enjoying myself but I too needed a break from the party. I've been peppered with questions for the past three hours." They gaze at the tumor wall for a moment before speaking again. "This tumor obviously means a lot to you. I can tell by the way you're gazing at it fondly. What's the story behind this tumor wall?" I sigh wistfully. "My brother Derek made it with Meredith a long time ago. He once had this historical surgery that took over ten hours to remove part of a massive tumor. It was a tumor that other medical professionals had deemed inoperable, but not to Derek. Derek never shied away from a challenging case like that, I definitely get that from him by the way." 

       I take a shaky breath and a tear slips down my cheek, I feel Kai wiping it away and smile softly to myself. "Derek wanted a visual of this tumor, to go back and reference whenever he doubted his surgical skills as a doctor, which was quite rare for him but even the great Derek Shepherd had his doubtful moments. Meredith thought that the wall as a bit absurd at first but as Derek's presentation went on... and on... she fell in love with how passionate he was about the tumor on the wall, hence the tumor on the wall. It's definitely a bit peculiar but I'm glad that Meredith didn't get rid of it. I know it's a painful reminder of what she has lost, but the kids find comfort in it too, especially Zola. Zola's going to be a carbon copy of Meredith when she grows up." 

    Kai laughs, melting my heart as their laugh radiates against my chest. They then pull me in for a kiss, which starts off gentle and then gets a bit more rough before we pull a part. "Amelia, I-I'm falling for you hard. If you wanted to draw pictures of giant tumors and hang them up on a wall, I wouldn't stop you. I really care about you and want to be your biggest supporter... if that's okay with you." I smile from ear to ear. "I'm falling hard for you too Kai and that absolutely is okay with me. I don't plan on drawing a giant tumor on my wall right now, but I do like looking at the one on Meredith's wall when I'm missing my brother and need to feel that a piece of him is still with me. This tumor on the hall helps Derek's legacy live on in this household and that's a powerful thing." 

     Kai hums in agreement and holds me in their arms, gently swaying us back and forth. We end up staring at the tumor wall for a little while longer before heading back downstairs, hand in hand like the two "love birds" that everyone keeps referring to us. Normally that type of teasing would irk me, but it feels different with Kai... in the best way possible. Kai is a breath of fresh air that I hope I get to continue to consume for a very long time. 

Kaimelia One Shots (Kai x Amelia) (Grey's Anatomy Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें