Up in Flames

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Up in Flames

Kai's POV

   I was observing a whipple procedure Meredith was educating some of the new interns on when Dr. Webber dropped the bombshell that Meredith's house caught on fire. I've been anxious ever since and I'm VERY glad that I'm not operating on the patient laying on the OR table right now. Due to that, I'm playing messenger right now and communicating updates to everyone as I receive them. I'm glad to be of use until I'm finally allowed to leave the hospital once the surgery is completed three hours later. I dash like a mad person to the parking lot to drive to Meredith's house... well what's left of it. 


 Half an hour later...

      It looks like Ben Warren and Station 19 have made decent progress on putting out the fire, but they still have a ways to go. Seeing all of Meredith and her children's memories up in flames is devastating. Amelia and Maggie are both comforting her and the children. They're having an intimate family moment and I don't want to interrupt that. I linger across the street for a few minutes before making my way over to them. I pull Meredith in for a hug. "Meredith, I'm so sorry. I tried to leave the hospital as quick as I could. I had to finish monitoring the whipple procedure, but it went well and the patient is going to make a smooth recovery. If there is anything that I can do to help you and the kids, please let me know."

      Meredith sniffles and gives me a tired smile. "There's not much you can do for us right now Kai, but I appreciate the sentiment." Amelia then turns her attention onto me and gives me a warm embrace. "Kai, it's so good to see you babe. Thank you for coming by, the fire is about sixty percent contained. I don't know how many possessions we'll be able to retrieve once the fire is completely put out, but Maggie did manage to get the framed Post-It Note that Derek declared his love for Meredith on. That Post-It was special to Derek and it's very special to Meredith. Both of them even signed the Post-It note as if it was a binding contract. They made promises on it to love each other through sickness and in health. It was foreshadowing of their wedding to come." 

     All three of Meredith's children approach me and give me gentle hugs. I hug all three of them with the same amount of gentleness, not saying anything but yet comforting them. I'm still getting used to both Meredith's children and Scout (Amelia's son). I don't want to do anything to accidentally upset them... they've already experienced enough trauma in their lives, especially Zola. Zola is now a teenager and is beginning to find herself in the real world. She's had a lot of anxiety recently and is deciding whether or not she wants to follow in her mother's footsteps, whether or not she actually wants to be a surgeon one day. Thankfully, she has a few years to figure that out. She should enjoy her early teenage years before being boggled down with that much pressure. 

     Maggie then scoops up the two younger children and leads Zola back over to Meredith, giving Amelia and I some space. I wrap an arm around Amelia and pull her towards me. "This is an awful situation and I know that this isn't your house Amelia, but I know you also have a lot of memories inside of this house. You made those memories both with your brother and Meredith so I want to ask you this... Are you okay, honestly?" She looks at me with sadness in her eyes. "Honestly, I don't know. I'm still in shock that the house is up in flames, burning from the inside out. I don't think the gravity of the loss is going to hit me until the fire is completely put out and we enter the recovery phase. I would like to help with that process, hopefully being able to salvage at least a couple of my brother's possessions to hold onto that Meredith doesn't want or need." 

     I nod understandingly. "Your feelings are completely valid and I understand where you're coming from. If you want to do that with just your sisters, I will respect your wish and give you the space to do so." She kisses me on the cheek. "I would appreciate that, I think that process needs to be with just the three of us and the children if they choose to. Thank you for always being so understanding Kai. I feel blessed to have such a wonderful partner to hopefully share the rest of my life with. I love you." I blush and pull her in for a tender kiss. "I love you too Amelia, more than my heart has ever loved another human being. I'm certain that we will spend the rest of our lives together." She sighs in content and falls into my embrace, eventually falling asleep in my lap. I know how exhausted she is so I don't move her awhile, letting her get some much needed rest. 

Kaimelia One Shots (Kai x Amelia) (Grey's Anatomy Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now