Chapter 31 - Trial of the Damned

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There was a noticeable hush within Ni'aad over the next few days as the town recovered from the demon battle.

Three days after the funerals, trials were to be held—for the two demon commanders currently held captive within the city. For the first, it was merely a formality to be observed before he was inevitably put to death. For the second, it was a truly unique case. Never before had the enemy so blatantly turned her back against her own kind and while that did not make the succubus a hero in the eyes of the townspeople, it was an inevitable truth that without her betrayal and subsequent annihilation of the demon army, the town of Ni'aad and all of its occupants would be dead and the entire kingdom in peril.

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The town square was once again buzzing with activity—this time wooden structures were quickly constructed for the trial and execution, and the platform for the coronation had been torn down, the timbers reused. A couple of hours later, everyone was assembled there. No one wanted to miss the trials and execution of the hated demon commanders. Tarbork sat, chained to a thick iron ring in the center of the town square. The succubus was also brought out in thick, silver, magic-imbued chains and chained up to a second iron ring hammered deep into the ground.

A light mood and chatter to match it filled the town square as elves laid their bets on how Tarbork was to be executed.

"Hey, I bet an iron damaii that he perishes by stoning!" An elf yelled.

"What? An iron damaii? That's so much!" Another replied, "Show us that you're not cheating!"

The elf who yelled the bet reached into his cloak pocket and produced the said coin. The others gasped, eyes brimming with envy. Each damaii was worth twenty seven gylins, the highest form of currency most people would ever see in their lives.

"Well, I bet a gylin, seven seguns and twelve brynus that he dies of burning! Now, be silent so we can hear the sentence!" Another elf shouted, shoving his hand into his pocket and counting the loose change.

"Actually, fourteen brynus, not twelve!" He corrected, having fished out another two bronze coins.

All three elves looked intently at the makeshift stage and at the five judges: Nicon, Aira, Calaepus, Selana and Amiri—the remaining elven royals, as the heirs had not been formally crowned yet, nor had they been training to take over the duties of the deceased royals. Calaepus, the queen of death, was to lead the trial.

She raised her hand for silence, and the talking died down to a low buzz.

"These past days have been a tragedy for us all. But we have all come out of this ordeal stronger than before and we will honor the legacy of those who died for Silvardor!"

Then her eyes, soft and sad a moment ago, turned steely, "Now it is time for the sentences of demon commander Tarbork and succubus Verulyn. For the indirect murder of Euiridas, and the murder of Jaron and Dethemina, as well as our countless warriors and for leading a demon army to Dargon."

"After deliberation from the other royals, we sentenced Tarbork to death by burning at the stake!" She paused, "A sentence that will be carried out immediately."

A large cheer went up, and the elf who had bet on that smirked, the others sullenly walking up to him. Money changed hands.

She held up a hand for silence and continued, "The succubus, although initially fighting for the demons, changed sides and her achievement is commendable. As such, we have decided that she will remain a captive and serve us for ten years, where afterwards she is to be released when another portal to the Abyss opens."

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