A Night of Many Crimes

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On a night in 19??, a 9-year-old boy, named Jeff, was attempting to sleep in his room. The night was warm & quiet. The only sounds that could be heard from the boy's room was the sound of the ticking clock in the hall & chirping crickets outside his window.

It was 11:00 PM, & his parents were asleep. All the doors & windows were locked & all was peaceful. However, something strange happened.

Jeff felt something large, cold, & hard pressed up against his asshole. This jolted him awake, but it was too late. The object's full length was soon slammed into Jeff's rear end, causing him to wince in pain. He then realized he had a knife to his throat. He began to cry.

It was Kool-Aid Man. In complete silence, he had entered Jeff's room. Why was he doing this to Jeff, though? The embarassment, the shame, the pain, the horror; Kool-Aid Man wanted it. He gained no sexual enjoyment from this experience, only pleasure from sensing Jeff's agony. He then procceeded to slit Jeff's throat, allowing his blood to gush out of the wound as Jeff gagged.

After he was finished with Jeff, Kool-Aid Man silently walked to the door & opened it. When he left the room, he noticed that the dog was fast asleep in it's bed in the living room. The pet fish were also swimming happily in their tank.

Kool-Aid Man smuthered the dog with a couch pillow. Then, just to make sure it was dead, he ripped out the dog's eyes & put them on a plate on the dining table for the parents to find later. Then, he ripped the dog in half with his bare hands & hung each half on a different part of the coat rack near the front door.

As for the fish, he took them each out of the tank, one-by-one. He killed them all in different ways. He squashed one to death between his palms. Another he pinned to a wall in the kitchen. He cut the head off of the third fish, & he put its head & body on the same plate as the dog's eyes. There were two other fish after that.

Once he was done with those things, he took all of the knives from the knife block. He proceeded to destroy many of the family's items using the knives by throwing them. He used the items in the household like targets. He destroyed televisions, phones, chairs, doors, shelves, & more. He then left the house.

Kool-Aid Man then decided to set 1 of the neighboring houses on fire. He made sure that all of the escape routes were completely sealed off, too. That old woman & her dogs died that night.

Later that night, as he was walking down the street, he came across a cat. The cat ran as soon as it noticed him, so Kool-Aid Man gave chase. He caught the cat in an alleyway, & it was brutally devoured, limb-by-limb, by the Kool-Aid Man.

Kool-Aid Man heard sirens. Damn it, someone called 822. Kool-Aid Man thought. He teleported a few blocks away, into a house with residents he was certain were sleeping. However, an 11-year-old girl, named Kianna, appeared to him as he wandered the home. In her hands, she held a knife. She was shaking. "Get the f*ck out of my house." she said as sternly as she could.

Just then, Kool-Aid Man cast a horrific illusion upon her that left her permanently parylized, even after the event. She could percieve all the pain in the world, all at once. This filled her with dread as she collapsed to the floor, unable to move, with tears streaming down her face.

Kool-Aid Man killed her parents as brutally & torturously as possible. He then set her house ablaze with her still in it. Thankfully, she survived, but she never spoke a word or walked again after that night.

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