'Hmm.' Her mother's grey eyes traced over Kylie's mark. 'Do you feel any different?'

'No. I don't feel pregnant at all. Alexis says the same.'

They both turned as the door slid open. In entered Lew. Kylie could feel his happiness radiating across the room. And as his eyes took in Kylie, it radiated from his face. Kylie couldn't help but grin.

Her mother stood. 'Well, I think I'd better go.'

'You don't have to ...'

'No, I've got to go see Halo.' As she passed Lew, she looked up at him with a smile, touching his wrist. The door closed behind her.

'I like your mother,' Lew said.

'I hope so. When do I get to meet your mother?'

'It doesn't work like that here. She's the woman who birthed me.'

'When was the last time you saw her?'


Kylie shook her head sadly.

'Don't feel sorry for me. I don't.'

'I don't know what I'd do without my mother.'

He sat down on the couch beside her, resting his arm behind her head. He stroked her pregnancy bumps. Pregnancy bumps—Kylie almost laughed.

'How do you feel?'

'Normal. Completely normal.'

Kylie cocked her head at the little sly crook to the corner of his mouth. 'You know, don't you?'

'Know what?'

'What it is. Whether it's a boy or a girl.'

Lew smiled. 'I can tell you.'

'No. I don't want to know.'

She folded her arms resolutely. Lew grabbed them and pulled them open, then he rested his cheek upon her shoulder, his lips pressed into her neck. He stroked her breast. Then he dropped his hand and smoothed it around her hip. It trailed up her shirt. Kylie turned her face and they started kissing.

It was nice. Painless. Loving. So different to before when they were little more than a pair of wild animals. He pulled off her shirt and began sucking her breasts. Then he was pushing her down into the couch. His lips were moist upon her abdomen. Then he was tugging down her pants. He pulled them off.

Kylie laughed as he chucked them across the room. He stretched himself upon her, his hands hot upon her hips. He slid his hand between her legs, sliding his finger down her lips.

He tugged down his pants until his immense erection popped out. Kylie smoothed her hand around it. Lew's eyelids fluttered. Releasing him, Kylie spread her thighs and his erection founds its way, sliding in deeply. Then he was kissing her again, thrusting gently. Kylie watched his backside buck as he pressed his face into the crook of his neck. She laid her hands upon his back as she rocked with him.

They came together nicely, gently. They were kissing again.

Pulling away from her lips, Lew pressed his face into her shoulder with a groan. 'I can't believe this is going to be my life for the rest of my life.'

Kylie smiled. She felt a flicker of regret over all that she'd left behind but it was only a flicker and quickly swept away.

He looked into her eyes. Had he felt it? Did he know what it meant? If he did, he didn't speak of it. 'Do you want to get out of here? Go explore?'

Kylie's eyes widened. 'Yes, let's go exploring! But-but am I allowed to?'

'If you're with me.'

She grinned up at him as she shifted her hips. 'Well, you'll have to get off me first.'

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