Chapter Eight: Paradise Lost

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Danny sat on a park bench by himself, wearing a red sweatshirt over his normal clothes, it being chilly that day since it was starting to become fall. He was looking a big book of constellations, filled with pictures and facts of the stars and constellations he has long since memorized.

It was a tenth birthday present from Jazz. By the time he was eleven, he knew the book forwards and backwards. Could even recite it if he wanted to.

But for now, he just wanted to look at the stars that were out that night, and wanted to see if he could find them. He already found about sixteen different stars and constellations in the first five minutes.

Honestly, he was stuck on a particular hard science worksheet from his online classes, and he really didn't want to ask his parents. Plus, he wanted some time alone so he could clear his head.

Not to mention Danny still didn't like being at the house for long periods of time. Finding as many excuses as possible to stay out of it for as long as he can.

Even when he finally has to come back for dinner and bed. It's hard for him to eat, he's starting to get into the bad habit of playing with his food. He's lost a little weight because of it. Not enough for people to notice or be concerned, he's really skinny, it's hard to notice, but he rarely eats dinner now. And he's not much of a breakfast person, either grabbing granola bar to eat when he leaves or to have a really small bowl of cereal over at Valerie's. And he either packs himself a lunch or eats out using his allowance.

So, he's not starving, being half-dead really helps, but it's not healthy either. Danny can already feel his sister scolding him in spirit, despite the fact she was no longer physically there because of her schooling. He never realized how much time college takes up.

He's out for about two hours, making it dangerously close to his curfew, when he got an alert on his communicator. He looked at it and saw it was a call from Superman.

Not in a mood to find a hiding spot to transform or be paranoid that someone may see him, Danny made sure he was answering the call by audio, before placing it to his ear.

"What up Supes?", Danny asked, "Need help with the hurricane over at Tropical City? I thought it calmed down by now."

"It has, don't worry, everything is all taken care of.", Superman assured the halfa, "It's Wonder Woman."

"What about her?", Danny asked, raising a curious brow, "Is she okay?"

"I'm not sure.", Superman replied, sounding it, "She's broken into a museum and it sounds like she's destroying the place."

"Huh...", Danny said, sounding as confused as he felt, "Well that's obviously not normal."

"No, it's not.", agreed Superman, "I've already called the others, everyone but Hawkgirl and Green Lantern are on their way. You coming?"

"You're kidding, right?", Danny asked, already on his feet, ready to transform once he hangs up, "I'm on my way, send me the coordinates and I'll be there as soon as I can."

"See you soon then."

Superman then hung up. Danny was already more than halfway to Valerie's and had already texted his parents.

His core soaring with relief that her window was already open and ready. Not even hesitating to fly in, to see Valerie sitting at her desk, working on her own work from her online classes.

"You okay Danny?", Valerie asked, already noticing how rushed he looked.

Danny nodded.

"Yeah, mind looking over this for me.", he asked holding up the book in his hands, "And covering for me? I already texted my parents saying I was sleeping over."

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