Chapter Seven: Injustice

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Danny typed on his laptop, finishing the last of the days school work at the dining room table where Jazz allowed him to work.

He's been visiting his sister a lot, but his parents hardly noticed.

Despite his assurances to the League, Danny is still very uneasy around his parents. And the scar from the anti-ghost scalpel mixed with blood blossoms, long story short, it left a nasty scar that had him thank his lucky stars he went online for school.

It'd be a bigger hassle than he felt like dealing with when he would have had to try and hide it while he was in the boy's locker room changing for gym.

Just as he finished the last assignment of the day, he already got a good head start for the next, Danny stretched out his cramped back from hunching over his school work for so long.

"I'd say that's a good place to end for the day.", Danny sighed.

That's when his communicator beeped, Danny answered it by audio, not video.

"Phantom.", he answered formally, knowing the caller was Batman

"We have a problem.", Batman states no nonsense, as per usual.

"When don't we?", Danny said with a roll of his eyes, "Shoot."

"Lex Luthor and Ultra-Humanite have escaped prison together, causing quite a lot of chaos in doing so. Now there's a hostage situation", Batman explained, "Something bigger is happening, we could use the extra help. These two are Geniuses, we are going to have to be careful when approaching this."

"Got it.", Danny said firmly, his transformation already washing through him, "Where is my destination?"

"Sending coordinates now."

"Got it.", Danny said, looking through the coordinates on his communicator, "Be there as soon as I can."

"Make that soon."


"Humanite, let the hostage go and I'll give you one of my men in return.", a police man said with a megaphone.

Danny floated invisibly closer to the on guard... evolutionist? The Humanite, just sticking with that.

"What do you take me for?", demanded Humanite, "A troglodyte? No deal!"

Panicking, Danny lunged forward, snatching the hostage from Humanite's grasp, although something in his gut told him that something about this was wrong. And it was more than the fact that the hostage was limp in his arms, but he could her feel muscles tensed as if ready to pounce.

Humanite went to aim the gun at the now visible Danny, having dropped his invisibility in his panic, but before he could try and shoot the two, a green light encompassed his hand, taking the gun from his grasp.

"What!?", exclaimed Humanite.

Danny looked up smiling widely at Green Lanter.

"Drop the weapon McGilla.", Green Lantern ordered.

Superman flew in and tackled Humanite, breaking the other half of the door, and Batman landed next to Danny.

Green Lantern flew above them.

"Look for other hostages.", Batman ordered.


He flew in and began to sweep the building while Superman and Ultra-Humanite brawled in the middle of the main floor.

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