Chapter Two: The Stand

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The remaining heroes, and an unconscious Phantom, gathered on top of a building in Metropolis.

"Sorry we're late, had to stop and help some civilians.", Green Lantern apologized.

"What did you call us back for?", Flash asked.

Diana stepped forward.

"Superman's been captured.", Diana explained, pointing towards the smoking plant that was placed in Metropolis, "He's trapped there with Hawkgirl."

"Woah.", Flash breathed, light from the flashes of lightning dancing across the heroes' features.

"And what about Batman?", Green Lantern question, "And where's Phantom?"

Silence befell the group before J'onn answered, "Batman acted heroically 'till the very end."

"The Bat's gone?", Flash said in disbelief.

"He was a true warrior." Diana said solemnly.

"This is not good, definitely not good.", Green Lantern said before turning towards the duo, ""What about the kid?"

J'onn moved to the side to reveal Phantom placed carefully against the edge of the roof on the ground, his suit look singed, and the ghost himself looked a little worse for wear.

"He tried to save Batman, but received a nasty shock that would've killed a normal human being in return.", Diana explained.

"You sure he's not dead? Can ghosts even die twice?", Flash asks.

"He is strong.", J'onn replied.

Then a groan cut through the group.

"Ugh, did someone get the number of the truck that hit me?", Danny asked, slowly getting up.

Stretching out his stiff and sore limbs. The group smiled, all happy that something went their way.

"Okay...", Danny groaned from a particularly tight stretch, before finally shaking out his limbs.

"Not the worst 'bout of electricity I've experienced, but still wasn't any fun to go through.", Danny grumbled.

"I'd be surprised if it was.", Green Lantern retorts, a small twinkle of mirth in his eyes, "Good to see that you're okay Phantom."

Danny could immediately feel something different about Green Lantern's attitude towards him. He felt like he was an equal. Which was all he could ever ask for.

He smiled in turn.

"What's the next plan of action?", Danny asked, ready for round two.


The group hid in a pile of rubble across from the factory that was holding Superman and Hawkgirl hostage.

"I can't believe we're doing this again.", Flash said turning to Green Lantern.

"If Superman and Hawkgirl are in there, someone's got to rescue them.", Green Lantern told him firmly, before turning to J'onn cautiously, "You are sure they are still in there, aren't you?"

J'onn didn't answer, staring off into space once more.


"Yes, your friends are alive." J'onn answered, sounding a little more frantic then normal, "But we must act quickly, the Imperium is coming."

"Who?", asked Danny, tilting his head in confusion.

"The supreme intelligence that controls these Invaders.", J'onn explained, "We have met before."

A Phantom's WayOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz