Chapter Three: The Accused

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Danny was sitting in class, taking notes on the lesson for Algebra, when his communicator from the League started to buzz in his back pocket. He has never felt so happy over the fact that Batman seemed to have thought of everything, including being able to put the communicator on silent.

Danny really couldn't miss anymore school than he already has. The League should be fine without him anyway he's only just a kid after all-.

His communicator buzzed insistently in his pocket.

He's got to answer this! Now!

"Can I go to the bathroom!?", Danny raised his hand insistently.

His teacher only sighed.

"Fine, but be quick Mr. Fenton."

Danny practically sprinted from his seat and out the door before she could barely finish her sentence. Causing her to stare at the closed door he just ran through with wide eyes.

"Must've really had to go.", she commented before turning back to the whiteboard in order to continue the lesson.

Far in the back the school's goth and geek shared an unreadable look, one that undoubtably meant no good. But only one saw that, Danny's seatmate and only friend in Amity Park as well as partner to his alter-ego, Valerie. She stared at the duo suspiciously.

Valerie knew in that she needed to keep them busy and away from Danny as much as possible. Already mentally planning ways to prank them and make their lives miserable.

Hey, she didn't say anything about being nice about it.

Danny sprinted to the bathroom, quickly changed into Phantom, before taking out his communicator.

"This better be important.", Danny hissed quietly.

"Earth may be under another Invasion.", Martian Manhunter stated bluntly.

"Again?", Danny raised a brow, "Didn't we just stop one a little under a month ago?"

"Flash, Hawkgirl, and I are the only ones who are going as of yet. Will you be joining us?"

Danny groaned, "Put your trackers on, I'm on my way, just have to tie up some loose ends over here first."


With that he hung up with a tired Phantom groaning on the bathroom floor.

"I can never get a break.", Danny sighs, "Bye Bye Astronaut."


It took Danny longer than he would have liked to admit to get set everything up for his parents to think he was sick and take him from school, but healthy enough that he could be left alone for the rest of the day.

Not to mention the others were farther from Amity Park than Danny would've liked. He just prays to whatever deity that is watching over him, won't let his parents check on him or break down the door when they find it locked, only they wouldn't find Danny in his room.

You know, maybe Danny should consider doing online classes, it would be easier for him to finish school without such low grades. Maybe he could convince his parents he just learns better by himself.

Danny made a mental note to come back to that thought later.

Now, Danny is floating done to see three giant weird looking men wielding bo-staffs.

He landed next to a groaning Flash, Hawkgirl exiting from a diner with broken windows.

"Who's your new friends?", Danny asked.

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