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Author's Note: I have this published on Quotiv,, and Ao3 in different usernames, because the usernames I want to use have been taken on different sites.

I've had this particular story published for about two years now on the other sites, less for, and when I was going over my work on wattpad I realized I haven't published this story on here yet. So here it is! The first chapter or so is okay, but they get better as the story progresses. Even so, I hope you enjoy it!


Phantom Planet AU; A little Ultimate Enemy AU too.

Danny sat in the family room with Jazz, watching the news, while both tried to ignore their parents working down in the basement.

It was a live feed showing the entire World Leaders and/or ambassadors gathered discussing over about their nuclear weapons.

" people believe that the only chance we have in peace is by eliminating them.", one such Ambassador was suggesting.

"Nonsense.", retorts another forcefully, "Those weapons are our only defense against aggression."

"Is this your official position?", the first Ambassador asks with a raised brow.

"No, General Wells does not speak for our government.", a new man interjected, entering the stage as he approached the podium.

"But Senator Carter, only a fool would-!", General Wells tried to protest.

"General, I was an astronaut on Mars, I survived an experience which would probably change my life.", Senator Carter cut him off, "Looking at Earth from that distance I saw for the first time how small and fragile our planet is. Its fate is in our hands."

Danny and Jazz shared a look, before both winced at the loud screech that came from the basement. Both taking mental notes to visit the basement later that night when their parents are asleep before Danny goes out for patrol.

They both turned back to the television, bodies stiffer and more tense then earlier.

"Ladies and gentlemen that is a responsibility that we must. Not. Take. Lightly.", the Senator stressed, "Therefore, today, I propose a bold new solution towards peace. One that would use a force more powerful than any before. A force dedicated to the good of all mankind. A force known to all... as Superman."

The camera swiveled to show Superman entering the room with a serious expression on his face. The room exploded into quiet murmurs and whispers at the surprise the hero brought by his presence.

Superman made his way down the stairs and up to the podium where Senator Carter stood.

"What do you think is going to happen?", Danny asks curiously.

Jazz hummed in thought, "I think Senator Carter is trying to make Superman as Earth's official protector, therefore, leaving no need for any more weapons of any kind."

Danny nods with a small sigh, "Sounds about right to me."

Jazz gently shushed her younger brother as the two waited for the hero to speak.

"With all due respect Senator, we can't rely all of Earth's security on one man.", General Wells says pointedly.

"I understand your feelings General.", Superman states as he walks up to the podium, "When Senator Carter first approached me, I was reluctant to get involved, but after meeting with him and his advisors, I became convinced that I could make a difference. I have fought hard over the years to earn your trust, and I solemnly swear to all of you that I will continue to up heel the ideals of Truth and Justice. Not just for America, but for all the world."

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