Scare Simulator

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Xylie's POV

The last few days have been amazing. The team trained hard and survived the last two tests. Don't Scare the Teen and Hide & Sneak. Mikey and Sulley have become good friends. Mikey has even helped Sulley with his different scare faces. Sulley has improved a lot. I think they all have real chance at winning this thing.

But they still have to face Roar Omegea Roar in the final challenge. The Scare Simulator. Which ever team rakes up the most points on it. Wins the scare games. I have no doubt Sulley and the others with do great. It's Mikey I'm worried about.

"Xylie, you ok?" Sulley asks as he joins me outside.

"Yeah, just thinking about the last challenge tomorrow night" I tell him.

"Don't worry, we have it in the bag thanks to Mikey's training" he assures me.

"It's Mikey I'm worried about" I tell him. "You know as well as I, that he isn't scary. He tries to be and knows every scare tactic. But he's not scary" I state.

"Don't worry, the rest of us will be so good it won't matter" he tells me.

"But it'll hurt his feelings, besides RoR has been on top for years. You all need to score high if you want a chance at beating them" I tell him. "I saw you talking to the Dean and she knows it too" I state and sigh. "We should get some sleep, you guys have a big day tomorrow" I tell him and go inside. Calling it a night.

(Next day)

I heard Sulley trying to teach Mikey how to scare last night. Before Miss Squibbles told them go to bed as it was a school night. I doubt it helped. I could barely focus on class today as I worried about the final challenge tonight.

It's finally time. Before the challenge began. We all sing the schools song. "Monsters University, we give our heart to you. Wherever children are dreaming, we'll bring the nightmares too. Oh, Monster University, Alma Mater, hail to you" we sang.

"Welcome to the final competition of the Scare Games" Claire says into her mike.

"Woo! Yeah! Hooray!" Miss Squibbles cheers.

"It's time to see how terrifying you really are! In the scare simulators!" Brock announces.

"But beware, each simulated scare has been set to the highest difficulty level" Claire states.

"The highest level?" Squishy asks uneasy.

"It'll be ok, just remember everything Mikey taught you" I tell him. I'm allowed to stand with Oozma Kappa,  just not allowed to participate in the challenge.

"First scarers to the starting line" Claire instructs. We huddle together.

"Ok Mike, what's the plan?" I ask him.

"Okay, just like we planned. I'll go first, then Don..." he starts to say.

"Hold up. Mike's the one who started all this. And I think it's only right if he's the one to finish it. I think you should go last" Sulley states.

"Sulley makes a good point" I state smiling at him.

"Yeah, Mike. Finish strong" Squishy agrees.

"We all agreed, Mike last?" I ask they agree.

"Alright. Don, you okay going first?" Mike asks.

"I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be" Don tells him. We put all out hands together. "Oozma Kappa" we say breaking them. Don heading to the starting line.

"You take it easy on grandpa" Johnny tells Bruiser. Who laughs.

"Unleash the beast, Don!" Art shouts.

"Ok then" Don says. The bell sounds and they run over to their respective scare simulators. They read the files about what the kid is scared of before entering the rooms. Don scored higher then Bruiser and we cheered. "Thanks for taking it easy on Grandpa" Don tells Bruiser and he rejoined us. As the rooms were reset and new scare programs were put in place.

Terri and Terry go next against Chet. They don't do as well as Don, but we were still in the lead. We all cheered. Squishy and Are go next. We fall behind. Now it's Sulley's turn against Randy. "Good luck Sulley" I tell him and he nods his head.

Sulley roared so loud, it shook the stage. Causing Randy to fall on the pink rug covered in hearts. Making him turn into a pink monster covered in hearts without realizing. He got the lowest score yet as I giggled as the crowd cheers.

"And it's all tied up!" Brock states.

"Ah! Tough break for the ROR's" Claire adds. As a confused Randy bumps into Johnny. As we high five Sulley. I even give him a hug, I was so happy.

"Hearts?" he asks him annoyed.

"Way to go, Boggs!" Chet complains. Randy's heart camo vanishes, and is replaced with purple reptilian skin. As he glares as Sulley.

"Sorry, I'm just so happy you beat Randy" I tell Sulley pulling away from him.

"Hey, I'm not complaining" he tells me.

"Worthington and Wazowski to the starting line" Brock calls.

"Good luck Mike" I say as he looks at the Dean. He looks concerned. Before I could go comfort him, Sulley beats me to it. And kneels beside Mikey.

"Hey, don't worry about Hardscrabble. Don't worry about anyone else. Just go out there, and show 'em what Mike Wazowski can do" Sulley tells him.

"Thanks" Mike says with a smile. He goes to the starting line as the crowd cheers. I go stand by Sulley.

"That was a nice thing you did" I state.

"Yeah, well he's done a lot for all of us" he states. The bell sounds and Mike runs to his scare simulator. He read the file before entering. I hold Sulley's hand as we watch Mike on the screen. Johnny scared his kid first and got a high score.

"An amazing performance by Johnny Worthington!" Brock states.

"Johnny, you're my hero!" Chet shouts as Johnny exited his scare simulator.

"The Oozmas will need a record-breaking scare to win this" Claire states. As we watch Mikey sit there on the screen.

"I can't watch" I tell Sulley and go to look away. But he stops me and I look up at him.

"He needs your support, trust me his got this" he tells me. "Be strong for him" he says. I nod my head and focus back on the screen. As the crowd chants RORs name. Mike leaps onto the bed, and gives a roar I didn't know he had in him. He got the full amount of points. I cheer loudly with our team.

"HE DID IT! YEAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!" Claire shouts as Mike exits the simulator.

"We're in the Scare Program! Yeah!" Sulley cheers. He picks me up and spins me around as I laugh. Don hugs Miss Squibbles as she joined us. Mike appears and is handed the trophy. He holds it over his head

"We did it!" he cheers.

"Way to go, Oozma Kappa!" a girl shouts.

"Thank you. Thanks a lot" Terri and Terry say.

"You rule!" another student shouts.

"I have never ruled before" Don states. We all leave as Brock said something about a party. SUlley stayed behind to talk to Mikey. Though I'm sure they'll join us shortly.


Picture above of Xylie's view of Mikey in the scare simulator.

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