Talk with Sulley

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Xylie's POV

The next challenge is tomorrow and Mike is training his team members today. I'm in the courtyard studying. "Xylie" Sulley says and I look up at him.

"You're blocking my light" I tell him.

"Oh, sorry" he says sheepishly stepping to the left. "What'cha doing?" he asks me.

"Studying for a test" I state. "Speaking of, I thought Mike was training you all today" I say confused.

"I don't need training" he states. "Besides I don't take orders from anyone, especially him" he adds.

"He only wants you all to succeed" I tell him. "He's worked very hard to get into Monsters University, we both did. He worked even harder to get into the scare program" I state.

"That's because he's not a scarer" he states.

"He's dreamed of being one since kindergarten. We had a field trip to the scare factory. Where he saw Frank McCay scare a human child. He was impressed by Mike's stealth and gave him his old Monsters University hate. He inspired Mike to be a scarer" I explain.

"What about you?" he asks sitting next to me.

"I'm going to join the CDA" I tell him proudly.

"Really?" he asks shocked.

"Yes, my god mother is apart of it. I was lost and had no idea what my future held. Then she took me to work with her one day and I fell in love with her job" I tell him. "I finally had a goal in life" I state. "What about you?" I ask him.

"What about me?" he asks me confused.

"Do you want to be a scarer because it's your dream? Or is that what your parents want you to be?" I ask him.

"I want to be the worlds best scarer and break the scare record" he tells me. "But that won't happen unless I get back into the scare program" he states.

"And study hard" I add. "There's more then one way to scare, Mike learnt every way how. If you listen to him, you could be great" I tell him.

"You really think so?" he asks scratching the back of his neck.

"Maybe" I say with a shrug. "Want to help me study?" I ask.

"Am sure" he says and I hand him my book.

"Ask me the questions and I'll answer them. The answer is after the question, so you can tell him if I got it right or wrong" I tell him. He nods his head and we start.

(Time skip)

"Hi Xylie, do you think you could help me study?" Sulley asks.

"Are you actually going to make an effort?" I ask him as I pack my books away.

"Of course" he states. Though I don't think he means it. At least not yet. "How about I walk you back to your dorm? I can carry your bag" he suggests.

"Sure" I say and we start to head there. "So I hear you and Mike a sharing a room. I'm surprised you two haven't killed each other yet" I state.

"Same" he says chuckling.

"There's my girl" Johnny says wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I roll my eyes at him. Removing his arm.

"I'm not your girl, I don't belong to anyone" I tell him.

"What'cha doing with him?" he asks pointing at Sulley.

"He was helping me study for my upcoming test" I state.

"If you ask me, you could do so much better" he tells me.

"Well I didn't ask you and I don't care what you think" I tell him annoyed. I take my bag from Sulley. "Thanks for the help Sulley, but I got it from here. Try not to give Mike a hard time" I tell him. Before leaving the pair.

Third Persons POV

"You need to stay away from my girl Sullivan" Johnny tells Sulley once Xylie was gone.

"She's single and doesn't belong to anyone" Sulley retorts.

"You think she'd go for an idiot like you?" Johnny asks him. "When ROR wins the Scare Games, she'll finally come to her senses. And date me, so stay away from her. Tell Wazowskie the same thing" he tells him. Before leaving.

(Greek Council House) Xylie's POV

"Saw you with Sulley today, you weren't giving him tips about the next challenge were you?" Claire asks me.

"Of course not, I know the rules" I assure her. "He was helping me study for my test" I state. "Speaking of the next challenge were the letters delivered today?" I ask her curious.

"They were, it's going to be great" she states. "Brock wanted me to ask you if you wanted to make a bet this time?" she asks me.

"I don't bet Claire, but if I did. It'd be on Oozma Kappa surviving this challenge" I tell her.

"Why do you have so much faith in them?" she asks me confused.

"I always support the under dogs. Besides if Mike and Sulley stopped fighting. Their team would be unstoppable" I state.

"I doubt that" she tells me. "Oh and we're planning a party. Well ROR is, for after the next challenge. All surviving teams are invited along with other students" she states.

"You know I don't do parties" I remind her.

"I know, but trust me. This is a party you won't want to miss" she tells me.

"Fine, but only an hour. Then I'll leave as I have my test the next day" I tell her.

"Deal" she says with a smile. "Anyway I'm going to go check on Brock and make sure everything is prepared for tomorrows challenge" she states. Before leaving. I put my books away and have a shower. Before going to dinner. I then have an early night.


Picture above of Sulley.

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