Arriving at Monsters University

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Xylie's POV

"Oh I'm so proud of you" mum gushes as I pack for Monsters University. Hi everyone, my name is Xylie Douglas and I'm about to enter my first year at Monsters University. I have long wavy purple hair, silver grey horns, a tail with spikes on it, red lips and blue eyes. My skin is beige with blue scales scattered on it. I wear teal knee high boots, black shorts, a white shirt with the Monsters Inc logo on it, a grey fennel shirt and black necklace. Which was a gift from my best friend Mike.

Speaking of my best friend, Mike and I are both going to Monsters University together. Our mothers were best friends and we grew up together. Mike wants to be a scarer and I support him. But I don't think he can scare a fly. I got in on a scholarship, so did he. I'm planning on working for the CDA in future.

"You will focus on your studies right? No boys?" dad asks me as he hands me my books.

"Yes dad, you know I have no interest in boys" I remind him.

"That's my girl" he says with a smile and gives me a hug.

"Stay out of trouble and keep your head down" mum tells me. I nod my head. I look out the window. To see the bus arrive.

"Bus is here, gotta go" I tell them. I give them each a hug and grab my stuff. Before leaving and get on the bus.

"Xylie!" Mike calls waving me over. I smile and go sit beside him. After placing my stuff in the luggage rack. "You ready for this?" he asks me giddily.

"Yes, it should be a hell of an adventure" I state. He nods his head in agreement. I start to read one of my course books at the bus starts moving.

(Time skip)

"Monsters University! Anybody getting off?" the bus driver asks once we stopped. I get up and grab my things heading for the door. As Mike gets up.

"Well, everyone, I don't mean to get emotional. But everything in my life has lead to this moment. Let it not be just the beginning of Xylie and my dreams, but the beginning of ALL our dreams" Mike says. I roll my eyes as I hope off of the bus.

I wait on the curb as Mike continues his speech. Until the driver told him to get off the bus. He joins me. "Ready?" I ask him and he nods his head a big smile on his face. I smile and we head for the school gates. We walk among the other students Mike looking around in awe. "So what's first on our to do list?" I ask him.

He takes out a note book. "Okay. First thing on our list: Get registered" he states. A monster appears in front of us.

"Hey there, freshmen! I'm Jay the R.A., and I'm here to say registration is that a way!" he tells us loudly. Pointing to the registration desk.

"Okay, Jay" Mike says heading to the desk.

"Thank you Jay" I say polity following Mikey.

"Have a great first day!" Jay shouts after us.

"Hey, I'm Kay! Here's your orientation packets" Kay says. Handing us each a single packet.

"Thanks Kay" Mike says.

"Yes, thank you" I say.

"You can drop your bags out here and get your picture taken with Trey" she tells us. We do so and go get our photos taken. Mike's photo was just the top of his head. We were given our student ID's and head back outside.

"I can't believe it... I'm officially a college student!" Mike cheers and I smile.

"We both are" I state pocketing my ID. Just then a tour group appears.

"Okay, everyone, I'm Fay! And I'll be giving you your orientation tour on this perfect day" the tour guide says as we join the group. She leads us inside the science building. "Here are the labs where students learn to design and build the doors to the human world" she explains. We reach the corridor outside the testing room. We watch some enter. "Looks like a professor's about to test a door" she tells us.

We all stop to watch through the window. The professor only peeks in before shutting the door. I see Mike is disappointed and pat his head. He smiles up at me and the tour continues. When we was over Mike and I look at the different groups on campus.

I wasn't really looking to join a group, but we found out about the Scare Games. A super intense scaring competition. It is scary dangerous and anything could happen. A bunch of guys went to the hospital last year.

We then go to the reception to get our dorm keys. "Wazowski. Room 319" the clerk says handing Mike the key to his room. "You know, your roommate is a scaring major too" he states. Mike smiles happily.

"Good luck" I tell him and he leaves. "Xylie Douglas" I tell the clerk. He looks through his list.

"Douglas, room 626" he says handing me the key. I thank him and go to my room. To discover I'm rooming with Claire Wheeler, the Greek Council President.

"I know you, weren't you with that little green guy?" she asks.

"His name is Mike" I tell her. "I'm Xylie" I state.

"That's your bed" she says nodding to the empty bed across from her's. I smile and unpack hanging up my posters. "So what's the story with the little green guy? He your boyfriend?" she asks me.

"Ew no" I tell her. "Our mothers are best friends and we grew up together. We're just friend, nothing romantic ever" I explain.

"You know we are looking for another member to join our group" she tells me. "We need some to take notes during our meetings" she states.

"I don't know, I wasn't looking to join a group" I tell her honestly.

"Well think about it" she tells me. I nod my head and got ready for bed. I wished her a good night before falling asleep.


Picture above of Xylie with Mike and Sulley. Picture on the external link of Monsters University.

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