25. Questions and Bank Robbers

Start from the beginning

The dozen or so cops, huddled close to the ground to avoid errant bullets, missed the soaring blur of gray and black. No one saw the hero crawl over the roof and down the bank's pillars, but when the rain of bullets immediately stopped, everyone looked up.

The machine guns had been stolen straight from the robbers' hands, and were now webbed against the bank's roof.

The robbers were frozen; the balaclavas did not mask the shock on their faces as they stared at their empty hands with complete disbelief. "Wha—?"

Reflective red lenses, dangled upside down, met their confused gaze. The robbers openly gaped.

"You know, this really isn't a healthy way to deal with your anger," said the upside down man, gesturing with a gloved hand at the webbed-up guns hanging from the roof. "You should take up something more therapeutic like knitting. Or yoga! You guys should definitely take up yoga."

The tallest robber spat, "Spider-man."

Spidey offered them a little, jaunty upside down wave. "Hiya!"

Tallest shook his head, fists clenched at his side. Behind Spidey, the cops began to uncurl from their protective positions. Several cops rushed paramedics inside the bank, where they knew injured hostages were lying awaiting help.

"I won't—" Tallest was shaking with rage, mouth twisted up in a defiant snarl. "I won't go down like this!"

Spidey was scratching his head, the beginnings of a nonchalant quip on his lips, and so missed Tallest partner, who had so far been silent and still, inch away from the hero. The smaller criminal turned abruptly and sprinted toward the police cars before Spidey could so much as flinch.

A brunette cop was only just getting to her feet, moving toward the bank on shaky legs. The other cops around them called out, raising their guns, but it was too late—the robber tackled the young woman, and the both of them went tumbling over the bonnet of a nearby car.

Spider-sense screaming, heart beating frantically, Spidey moved on instinct. With superhuman reflexes, he followed the duo over the car, landing roughly on the asphalt.

The small robber bared yellow teeth at him, his eyes wide and crazy. His arms were wrapped around the cop, keeping her trapped. They were pressed together, but still, Spidey could see the wires of a bomb strapped beneath his jacket.

They were too close to the bank- full of hostages and police officers and paramedics. If it blew…

"BOMB!" Spidey shouted in warning. "EVERYONE GET BACK!"

With one hand, Spidey pried the robber off of the cop. He wasn't gentle as he bodily threw her toward the safety of the bank, before picking up the robber and jumping away, racing towards the back of the clustered police cars. No one was back there, everyone having moved toward the bank.

They landed behind an armoured police van, and Spidey ripped the robber's thick jacket off, trying to get to the bomb. Maybe—maybe he could use his superhuman strength to tear into the bomb—maybe he could save this man—

"It's too late, it's too late," murmured the robber in a litany. His eyes were bloodshot and frantic, and he began to giggle, breathy and high. "It's too late!"

Spidey heard a hitched, panicked breath. He looked up and met the gaze of a young, terrified cop, frozen only metres away from him, the robber, and the ticking bomb. The inexperienced cop must have been the only one that hadn't rushed toward the bank.

The robber threw his head back and cackled, like he'd been told a tremendously funny joke. "It's too late," he gasped at the blue, open sky. His huge grin was visible beneath the balaclava. The bomb had only seconds before detonation.

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